swordfish.Utils module
Overview and motivation
The purpose of swordfish is to enable fast and informative forecasting for a broad class of statistical models relevant for praticle physics and astronomy, without requiring expensive Monte Carlos. The results are in most cases accurate, with a few important limitations discussed below.
With swordfish one can calculate
- expected median detection thresholds
- expected median upper limits
- reconstruction contours
However, swordfish allows also to calculate uncommon (but very useful) quantities like the
- Fisher information matrix
- Fisher information flux
- Equivalent signal and background counts
- Estimate for trials factor
which can guide the optimization of search strategies of experimental design.
The model implemented in swordfish is a Poisson Point Process with constraints additive components and general background covariance matrix. This model is encompasses counting experiments in the zero background regime as well as scenarios that are completely systematics domainted.
Swordfish can be used in the low-statistics regime as well as parts of the parameter space that are very degenerate. The main limitation is that it cannot handle situations where both happens at the same time.
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Overview and motivation ======================= The purpose of swordfish is to enable fast and informative forecasting for a broad class of statistical models relevant for praticle physics and astronomy, without requiring expensive Monte Carlos. The results are in most cases accurate, with a few important limitations discussed below. With swordfish one can calculate - expected median detection thresholds - expected median upper limits - reconstruction contours However, swordfish allows also to calculate uncommon (but very useful) quantities like the - Fisher information matrix - Fisher information flux - Equivalent signal and background counts - Estimate for trials factor which can guide the optimization of search strategies of experimental design. The model implemented in swordfish is a Poisson Point Process with constraints additive components and general background covariance matrix. This model is encompasses counting experiments in the zero background regime as well as scenarios that are completely systematics domainted. Swordfish can be used in the low-statistics regime as well as parts of the parameter space that are very degenerate. The main limitation is that it cannot handle situations where both happens at the same time. """ from __future__ import division import numpy as np import scipy.sparse.linalg as la import scipy.sparse as sp from scipy import stats from scipy.special import gammaln from scipy.linalg import sqrtm from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b, brentq import copy import swordfish.metricplot as mp class LinModel(object): r"""Fisher analysis of general penalized Poisson likelihood models. A model is defined by the following quantities * $S_i^{(k)}$: Signal components, with $k=1, \dots, n$ components and $i=1,\dots, N$ bins. - $B_i$: Background - $E_i$: Exposure - $K\_{ij}$: Background covariance matrix - $T_i$: Parameter constraints The corresponding likelihood function is given by $$ \ln\mathcal{L}(\vec d|\vec\theta) = \max\_{\delta B_i} \left[ \ln\mathcal{L}_p(\vec d| \vec\mu(\vec\theta, \delta \vec B)) + \ln\mathcal{L}_c(\vec\theta, \delta\vec B) \right] $$ with a Poisson part $$ \ln\mathcal{L}_p(\vec d|\vec \mu) = \sum\_{i=1}^N d_i \cdot\ln \mu_i - \mu_i -\ln\Gamma(d_i+1) $$ and a constraint part $$ \ln\mathcal{L}_c(\vec\theta, \delta \vec B) = \frac12 \sum_i \left(\frac{\theta_i}{T_i}\right)^2 +\frac{1}{2}\sum\_{i,j} \delta B_i \left(K^{-1}\right)\_{ij} \delta B_j \;, $$ where the expected differential number of counts is given by $$ \mu_i(\vec\theta,\delta \vec B) = \left[\sum\_{k=1}^n \theta_k S_i^{(k)}+B_i+\delta B_i\right]\cdot E_i \;. $$ Instances of this class define the model parameters, and provide methods to calcualte the associated Fisher information matrix and the information flux. """ def __init__(self, S, B, E = None, K = None, T = None, solver = 'direct', verbose = False): r"""Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `S` [matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_bins)]: Flux of signal components. * `B` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Background flux. * `E` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins), or `None`]: Exposure. The value `None` implies that $E_i=1$. * `K` [matrix-like, shape=(n_bins, n_bins), or `None`]: Covariance matrix of background flux uncertainties. Can handle anything that can be cast to a `LinearOperator` objects, in particular dense and sparse matrices. The value `None` implies $\delta B_i = 0$. * `T` [vector-like or list-like, shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: Constraints on model parameters. A list element `None` implies that no constraint is applied to the corresponding parameter. If `T=None` no constraints are applied to any parameter. * `solver` [`'direct'` or `'cg'`]: Solver method used for matrix inversion, either conjugate gradient (cg) or direct matrix inversion. * `verbose` [boolean]: If set `True` various methods print additional information. """ S = np.array(S, dtype='float64') assert S.ndim == 2, "S is not matrix-like." n_comp, n_bins = S.shape self._flux = S B = np.array(B, dtype='float64') assert B.shape == (n_bins,), "B has incorrect shape." self._noise = B if E is None: E = np.ones(n_bins, dtype='float64') else: E = np.array(E, dtype='float64') assert E.shape == (n_bins,), "E has incorrect shape." self._exposure = E if K is None: self._sysflag = False K = la.LinearOperator((n_bins, n_bins), matvec = lambda x: np.zeros_like(x)) else: self._sysflag = True assert K.shape == (n_bins, n_bins), "K has incorrect shape." K = la.aslinearoperator(K) if K is not None else None self._systematics = K T = self._get_constraints(T, n_comp) self._constraints = T self._nbins = n_bins self._ncomp = n_comp self._verbose = verbose self._solver = solver self._scale = self._get_auto_scale(S, E) self._cache = None # Initialize internal cache @staticmethod def _get_auto_scale(flux, exposure): return np.array( [1./(f*exposure).max() for f in flux] ) @staticmethod def _get_constraints(constraints, ncomp): assert constraints is None or len(constraints) == ncomp if constraints is not None: constraints = np.array( [np.inf if x is None or x == np.inf else x for x in constraints], dtype = 'float64') if any(constraints<=0.): raise ValueError("Constraints must be positive or None.") else: constraints = np.ones(ncomp)*np.inf return constraints def _summedNoise(self, theta = None): noise_tot = self._noise*1. # Make copy if theta is not None: for i in range(max(self._ncomp, len(theta))): noise_tot += theta[i]*self._flux[i] return noise_tot def mu(self, theta = None): r"""Return expectation values for given model parameters. Parameters ---------- * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: Model parameters. The value `None` implies $\theta_i = 0$. Returns ------- * `mu` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Expectation value, $\mu_i(\vec \theta, \delta \vec B = 0)$. """ return self._summedNoise(theta)*self._exposure def _solveD(self, theta = None): """ Calculates: N = noise + theta*flux D = diag(E)*Sigma*diag(E)+diag(N*E) x[i] = D^-1 flux[i]*E Note: if Sigma = None: x[i] = flux[i]/noise Returns: x, noise, exposure """ noise = self._summedNoise(theta) exposure = self._exposure spexp = la.aslinearoperator(sp.diags(exposure)) D = ( la.aslinearoperator(sp.diags(noise*exposure)) + spexp*self._systematics*spexp ) x = np.zeros((self._ncomp, self._nbins)) if not self._sysflag: for i in range(self._ncomp): x[i] = self._flux[i]/noise*exposure elif self._sysflag and self._solver == "direct": dense = D(np.eye(self._nbins)) invD = np.linalg.linalg.inv(dense) for i in range(self._ncomp): x[i] = np.dot(invD, self._flux[i]*exposure)*exposure elif self._sysflag and self._solver == "cg": def callback(x): if self._verbose: print len(x), sum(x), np.mean(x) for i in range(self._ncomp): x0 = self._flux[i]/noise if self._cache is None else self._cache/exposure x[i] = la.cg(D, self._flux[i]*exposure, x0 = x0, callback = callback, tol = 1e-3)[0] x[i] *= exposure self._cache= x[i] else: raise KeyError("Solver unknown.") return x, noise, exposure def fishermatrix(self, theta = None): r"""Return Fisher information matrix. Parameters ---------- * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. The value `None` is equivalent to $\vec\theta=0$. Returns ------- * `I` [matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_comp)]: Fisher information matrix, $\mathcal{I}\_{ij}$. """ x, noise, exposure = self._solveD(theta=theta) I = np.zeros((self._ncomp,self._ncomp)) for i in range(self._ncomp): for j in range(i+1): tmp = sum(self._flux[i]*x[j]) I[i,j] = tmp I[j,i] = tmp return I+np.diag(1./self._constraints**2) def infoflux(self, theta = None): r"""Return Fisher information flux. Parameters ---------- * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. The value `None` is equivalent to $\vec\theta=0$. Returns ------- * `F` [3-D array, shape=(n_comp, n_comp, n_bins)]: Fisher information flux. """ x, noise, exposure = self._solveD(theta=theta) F = np.zeros((self._ncomp,self._ncomp,self._nbins)) for i in range(self._ncomp): for j in range(i+1): tmp = x[i]*x[j]*noise/(exposure**2.) F[i,j] = tmp F[j,i] = tmp return F def effectivefishermatrix(self, indexlist, **kwargs): """Return effective Fisher information matrix for subset of components. Parameters ---------- * `indexlist` [integer, or list of integers]: Components of interest. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to call of `fishermatrix`. Returns ------- * `Ieff` [float, or matrix-like, shape=(len(indexlist), len(indexlist))]: Effective Fisher information matrix. """ if isinstance(indexlist, np.int): indexlist = [indexlist] indices = np.setdiff1d(range(self._ncomp), indexlist) n = len(indexlist) I = self.fishermatrix(**kwargs) A = I[indexlist,:][:,indexlist] B = I[indices,:][:,indexlist] C = I[indices,:][:,indices] invC = np.linalg.linalg.inv(C) Ieff = A - B.T.dot(invC.dot(B)) return Ieff def variance(self, i, **kwargs): r"""Return variance of $\theta_i$. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest * `**kwargs`: Passed on to call of `fishermatrix`. Returns ------- * `var` [float]: Variance of parameter $\theta_i$. """ I = self.fishermatrix(**kwargs) invI = np.linalg.linalg.inv(I) return invI[i,i] def effectiveinfoflux(self, i, **kwargs): """Return effective Fisher Information Flux. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to call of `fishermatrix` and `infoflux`. Returns ------- * `Feff` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Effective information flux. """ F = self.infoflux(**kwargs) I = self.fishermatrix(**kwargs) n = self._ncomp if n == 1: return F[i,i] indices = np.setdiff1d(range(n), i) eff_F = F[i,i] C = np.zeros(n-1) B = np.zeros((n-1,n-1)) for j in range(n-1): C[j] = I[indices[j],i] for k in range(n-1): B[j,k] = I[indices[j], indices[k]] invB = np.linalg.linalg.inv(B) for j in range(n-1): for k in range(n-1): eff_F = eff_F - F[i,indices[j]]*invB[j,k]*C[k] eff_F = eff_F - C[j]*invB[j,k]*F[indices[k],i] for l in range(n-1): for m in range(n-1): eff_F = eff_F + C[j]*invB[j,l]*F[indices[l],indices[m]]*invB[m,k]*C[k] return eff_F # Likelihood with systematics def lnL(self, theta0, theta, deltaB = None, epsilon = 1e-3, derivative = False, mu_overwrite = None): r"""Return log-likelihood function, assuming Asimov data. Parameters ---------- * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters used for calculation of Asimov data. Note that Asimov data is generated assuming $\delta\vec B =0$. * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. * `deltaB`: [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Background variations of model. A value of `None` corresponds to $\delta\vec B = 0$. * `epsilon` [float]: Fraction of diagonal noise that is added to K to stabilize matrix inversion. Must be small enough to not affect results. * `derivative` [boolean]: If set to `True`, function also resturns partial derivatives w.r.t. model parameters. * `mu_overwrite` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: This parameter is internally used to handle non-linear models. It overwrites the model predictions that are derived from `theta` and `deltaB`. In that case, `theta` and `deltaB` only affect the constraint part of the likelihood. Returns ------- * `lnL` [float]: Log-likelihood, including Poisson and constraint part. OR if `derivative == True` * `lnL, dlnL_dtheta, dlnL_deltaB` [(float, vector-like with shape=(n_comp), vector-like with shape=(n_bins))]: Log-likelihood and its partial derivatives. """ dmu = deltaB theta = np.array(theta, dtype='float64') theta0 = np.array(theta0, dtype='float64') mu0 = self._summedNoise(theta0)*self._exposure systnoise = self._summedNoise(theta0)*epsilon/self._exposure if mu_overwrite is None: mu = self._summedNoise(theta)*self._exposure else: mu = mu_overwrite.copy() if dmu is None: dmu = np.zeros_like(self._exposure) if self._sysflag: mu += dmu*self._exposure self._at_bound = any(mu<mu0*1e-6) mu = np.where(mu<mu0*1e-6, mu0*1e-6, mu) lnL = (mu0*np.log(mu)-mu-0*gammaln(mu0+1)).sum() #print mu0.sum(), mu.sum() lnL -= (0.5*theta**2/self._constraints**2).sum() if self._sysflag: dense = self._systematics(np.eye(self._nbins)) #invS = np.linalg.linalg.inv(dense+np.eye(self._nbins)*epsilon) invS = np.linalg.linalg.inv(dense+np.diag(systnoise)) lnL -= 0.5*(invS.dot(dmu)*dmu).sum() if derivative: dlnL_dtheta = (mu0/mu*self._flux*self._exposure-self._flux*self._exposure).sum(axis=1) dlnL_dtheta -= theta/self._constraints**2 if self._sysflag: dlnL_dmu = mu0/mu*self._exposure - self._exposure - invS.dot(dmu) else: dlnL_dmu = None return lnL, dlnL_dtheta, dlnL_dmu else: return lnL def profile_lnL(self, theta0, theta, epsilon = 1e-3, free_theta = None, mu_overwrite = None): r"""Return profile log-likelihood. Note: Profiling is done using `scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b`. All $\delta \vec B$ are treated as free parameters, as well as those model parameters $\theta_i$ that are specified in `free_theta`. Parameters --------- * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters used for calculation of Asimov data. Note that Asimov data is generated assuming $\delta\vec B =0$. * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. * `epsilon` [float]: Fraction of diagonal noise that is added to K to stabilize matrix inversion. Must be small enough to not affect results. * `free_theta` [list-like, shape=(n_comp)]: If a list entry is set to `True`, the corresponding model parameter will be maximized. * `mu_overwrite` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: See `lnL`. Returns ------- * `profile_lnL` [float]: Profile log-likelihood. """ theta = np.array(theta, dtype='float64') theta0 = np.array(theta0, dtype='float64') if free_theta is None: free_theta = np.zeros(len(theta), dtype='bool') else: free_theta = np.array(free_theta, dtype='bool') Nfree_theta = (free_theta).sum() Nsyst = len(self._exposure) if self._sysflag else 0 N = Nfree_theta + Nsyst x0 = np.zeros(N) x0[:Nfree_theta] = theta[free_theta] fp = 0. def f(x): global fp theta[free_theta] = x[:Nfree_theta] dmu = x[Nfree_theta:] lnL, grad_theta, grad_dmu = self.lnL(theta0, theta, deltaB = dmu, epsilon = epsilon, derivative = True, mu_overwrite = mu_overwrite) fp = np.zeros(N) fp[:Nfree_theta] = grad_theta[free_theta] fp[Nfree_theta:] = grad_dmu return -lnL def fprime(x): global fp return -fp if N == 0.: return self.lnL(theta0, theta, mu_overwrite = mu_overwrite) result = fmin_l_bfgs_b(f, x0, fprime, approx_grad = False) if self._verbose: print "Best-fit parameters:", result[0] if self._at_bound: print "WARNING: No maximum with non-negative flux found." return -result[1] else: return -result[1] class EuclideanizedSignal(object): # WARNING: This only cares about the covariance matrix and background, not # the individual S components def __init__(self, model): """*Effective vector* calculation based on a `LinModel` instance. The distance method provides a simple way to calculate the expected statistical distance between two signals, accounting for background variations and statistical uncertainties. In practice, it maps signal spectra on distance vectors such that the Eucledian distance between vectors corresponds to the statistical difference between signal spectra. """ self._model = copy.deepcopy(model) self._A0 = None def _get_A(self, S = None): """Return matrix `A`, such that x = A*S is the Eucledian distance vector.""" noise = self._model._noise.copy()*1. # Noise without anything extra if S is not None: noise += S exposure = self._model._exposure spexp = la.aslinearoperator(sp.diags(exposure)) # Definition: D = N*E + E*Sigma*E D = ( la.aslinearoperator(sp.diags(noise*exposure)) + spexp*self._model._systematics*spexp ) # TODO: Add all components and their errors to D D = D(np.eye(self._model._nbins)) # transform to dense matrix invD = np.linalg.linalg.inv(D) A2 = np.diag(exposure).dot(invD).dot(np.diag(exposure)) A = sqrtm(A2) Kdiag = np.diag(self._model._systematics.dot(np.eye(self._model._nbins))) nA = np.diag(np.sqrt(noise*exposure+Kdiag*exposure**2)).dot(A) return nA def x(self, i, S): """Return model distance vector. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `S` [array-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Flux of signal component """ A = self._get_A(S) return A.dot(S) class EquivalentCounts(object): """*Equivalent counts* analysis based on a `LinModel` instance. The equivalent counts method can be used to derive - expected upper limits - discovery reach - equivalent signal and background counts based on the Fisher information matrix of general penalized Poisson likelihood models. The results are usually rather accurate, and work in the statistics limited, background limited and systematics limited regime. However, they require that the parameter of interest is (a) unconstrained and (b) corresponds to a component normalization. """ def __init__(self, model): """Constructor. Paramters --------- * `model` [instance of `LinModel` class]: Input LinModel model. """ self._model = model def totalcounts(self, i, theta_i): """Return total signal and background counts. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `theta_i` [float]: Normalization of component i. Returns ------- * `s` [float]: Total signal counts. * `b` [float]: Total background counts. """ s = sum(self._model._flux[i]*self._model._exposure*theta_i) b = sum(self._model._noise*self._model._exposure) return s, b def equivalentcounts(self, i, theta_i): """Return equivalent signal and background counts. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `theta_i` [float]: Normalization of component i. Returns ------- * `s` [float]: Equivalent signal counts. * `b` [float]: Equivalent background counts. """ I0 = 1./self._model.variance(i) thetas = np.zeros(self._model._ncomp) thetas[i] = theta_i I = 1./self._model.variance(i, theta = thetas) if I0 == I: return 0., None seff = 1/(1/I-1/I0)*theta_i**2 beff = 1/I0/(1/I-1/I0)**2*theta_i**2 return seff, beff def upperlimit(self, i, alpha = 0.05, force_gaussian = False, brentq_kwargs = {'xtol': 1e-4}): r"""Return expected upper limit. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `alpha` [float]: Statistical significance. For example, 0.05 means 95% confidence level. * `force_gaussian` [boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but only accurate in Gaussian regime). * `brentq_kwargs` [dict]: Keyword arguments passed to root-finding algorithm `scipy.optimize.brentq`. Returns ------- * `thetaUL` [float]: Expected median upper limit on $\theta_i$. """ Z = stats.norm.isf(alpha) I0 = 1./self._model.variance(i) if force_gaussian: return Z/np.sqrt(I0) else: thetas = np.zeros(self._model._ncomp) thetaUL_est = Z/np.sqrt(I0) # Gaussian estimate thetas[i] = thetaUL_est I = 1./self._model.variance(i, theta = thetas) if (I0-I)<0.02*I: # 1% accuracy of limits return thetaUL_est # Solve: s/np.sqrt(s+b) - Z = 0 def f(theta): s, b = self.equivalentcounts(i, theta) if s == 0: b = 1. # TODO: Check result = s/np.sqrt(s+b) - Z return result factor = 1. while True: factor *= 10 if f(thetaUL_est*factor)>0: break theta0 = brentq(f, thetaUL_est, thetaUL_est*factor, **brentq_kwargs) return theta0 def discoveryreach(self, i, alpha = 1e-6, force_gaussian = False, brentq_kwargs = {'xtol': 1e-4}): r"""Return expected discovery reach. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `alpha` [float]: Statistical significance. * `force_gaussian` [boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but only accurate in Gaussian regime). * `brentq_kwargs` [dict]: Keyword arguments passed to root-finding algorithm `scipy.optimize.brentq`. Returns ------- * `thetaDT` [float]: Expected median discovery reach for $\theta_i$. """ Z = stats.norm.isf(alpha) var0 = self._model.variance(i) if force_gaussian: # Gaussian approximation return Z*var0**0.5 thetas = np.zeros(self._model._ncomp) thetaDT_est = Z*np.sqrt(var0) # Gaussian approx. as starting point thetas[i] = thetaDT_est var = self._model.variance(i, theta = thetas) if abs(var0 - var) < 0.02*var: # Still Gaussian enough return Z*var0**0.5 # Solve: Z**2/2 - ((s+b)*np.log((s+b)/b)-s) = 0 def f(theta): s, b = self.equivalentcounts(i, theta) if s == 0: b = 1. # TODO: Check result = -Z**2/2 + ((s+b)*np.log((s+b)/b)-s) return result factor = 1. while True: factor *= 10 if f(thetaDT_est*factor)>0: break theta0 = brentq(f, thetaDT_est, thetaDT_est*factor, **brentq_kwargs) return theta0 def _func_to_templates(flux, x, dx = None): """Return finite differences for use in LinModel.""" x = np.array(x, dtype='float64') if dx is None: dx = x*0.01 fluxes = [] #fluxes.append(flux(*x)) for i in range(len(x)): xU = copy.copy(x) xL = copy.copy(x) xU[i] += dx[i] xL[i] -= dx[i] df = (flux(*xU) - flux(*xL))/2./dx[i] fluxes.append(df) return fluxes class Funkfish(object): r"""`LinModel`, `EquivalentCounts` and `iminuit`-factory, based on non-linear models. The underlying likelihood function is identical to the one of `LinModel`, with the only difference that model expectations are derived from $$ \mu_i(\vec\theta, \delta \vec B) = \left[ f_i(\vec\theta) + \delta B_i\right]\cdot E_i $$ `Funkfish` can generate `LinModel` and `EquivalentCounts` objects as local approximations to the non-linear model, as well as `iminuit` instances based on the non-linear model directly. This facilitates (a) the fast analysis of non-linear models and (b) the comparison between results based on Fisher information and results from a full likelihood analysis. """ def __init__(self, f, theta0, E = None, K = None, T = None): r"""Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `f` [function]: Function of `n_comp` float arguments, returns `n_bins` flux expectation values, $\vec\mu(\vec\theta)$. * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Default model parameters. * `E` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Exposure. See `LinModel` documentation for details. * `K` [matrix-like]: Covariance matrix. See `LinModel` documentation for details. * `T` [vector-like]: Model parameter constraints. See `LinModel` documentation for details. """ self._f = f self._x0 = np.array(theta0, dtype='float64') self._Sigma = K self._exposure = E self._constraints = T def _get_x0(self, x): """Get updated x0.""" if isinstance(x, dict): x0 = self._x0.copy() for i in x: x0[i] = x[i] return x0 elif x is not None: return x else: return self._x0 @staticmethod def _init_minuit(f, x = None, x_fix = None, x_err = None, x_lim = None, errordef = 1, **kwargs): """Initialize minuit using no-nonsense interface.""" try: import iminuit except ImportError: raise ImportError( "This function requires that the module iminuit is installed.") N = len(x) if x_err is not None: assert len(x_err) == N if x_lim is not None: assert len(x_lim) == N if x_fix is not None: assert len(x_fix) == N varnames = ["x"+str(i) for i in range(N)] def wf(*args): x = np.array(args) return f(x) for i, var in enumerate(varnames): kwargs[var] = x[i] if x_lim is not None: kwargs["limit_"+var] = x_lim[i] if x_err is not None: kwargs["error_"+var] = x_err[i] if x_fix is not None: kwargs["fix_"+var] = x_fix[i] return iminuit.Minuit(wf, forced_parameters = varnames, errordef = errordef, **kwargs) def LinModel(self, theta0 = None): r"""Generate `LinModel` instance. The generated `LinModel` instance is a local approximation to the non-linear model. It is defined by $$ B_i \equiv f_i(\vec\theta_0) $$ and $$ S_i \equiv \frac{\partial f_i}{\partial \theta_i}(\vec\theta_0) $$ where $\vec\theta_0$ is the expansion parameter defined below. Parameters ---------- * `theta0` [dictionary, or vector-like with shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: If vector-like, it overwrites the default `theta0`. A dictionary with keys $i$ and values $\theta_i$ updates the default. If `None` the default is used. Returns ------- * `SF` [`LinModel` instance] """ x0 = self._get_x0(theta0) flux = _func_to_templates(self._f, x0) noise = self._f(*x0) return LinModel(flux, noise, self._exposure, self._Sigma, T = self._constraints) def EquivalentCounts(self, theta0 = None): """Generate `EquivalentCounts` instance. Directly generates `EquivalentCounts` instance from `LinModel` instance. See documentation of `get_LinModel` method . """ SF = self.LinModel(theta0) return EquivalentCounts(SF) def TensorField(self, ix, iy, x_values, y_values, theta0 = None, logx = False, logy = False): """Generate `TensorField` instance. Samples Fisher information matrix on a 2-D grid, and generates an instance of `TensorField` that can be used to study parameter degeneracies, confidence contours, etc. Parameters ---------- * `ix` [integer]: Index of first component of interest, mapped on x-axis. * `iy` [integer]: Index of second component of interest, mapped on y-axis. * `x_values` [vector-like, shape=(nx)]: Values of model parameter `ix` along x-axis. * `y_values` [vector-like, shape=(ny)]: Values of model parameter `iy` along y-axis. * `theta0` [dictionary, or vector-like with shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: If vector-like, it overwrites the default `theta0`. A dictionary with keys $i$ and values $\theta_i$ updates the default. If `None` the default is used. Defines all parameters, except the parameters with indices `ix` and `iy`. Returns ------- * `TF` [`TensorField` instance]: Based on an interpolated version of the Fisher information matrix that is sampled from the (nx, ny) grid defined by `x_values` and `y_values`. """ # TODO: Update docstring theta0 = self._get_x0(theta0) g = np.zeros((len(y_values), len(x_values), 2, 2)) for i, y in enumerate(y_values): for j, x in enumerate(x_values): theta0[ix] = x theta0[iy] = y SF = self.LinModel(theta0) g[i, j] = SF.effectivefishermatrix((ix, iy)) return mp.TensorField(x_values, y_values, g, logx = logx, logy = logy) def iminuit(self, theta0 = None, **kwargs): """Return an `iminuit` instance. Model parameters are mapped on `iminuit` variables `x0`, `x1`, `x2`, etc Parameters ---------- * `theta0`: Asimov data * `**kwargs*: Arguments passed on to `iminuit` constructor. Returns ------- * `M` [`iminuit` instance] """ x0 = theta0 x0 = self._get_x0(x0) # make list SF0 = self.LinModel(x0) def chi2(x): mu = self.LinModel(x).mu() # Get proper model prediction lnL = SF0.profile_lnL(x0*0., x-x0, mu_overwrite = mu) return -2*lnL x0 = np.array(x0) x0err = np.where(x0>0., x0*0.01, 0.01) M = self._init_minuit(chi2, x = x0, x_err = x0err, **kwargs) return M
class EquivalentCounts
Equivalent counts analysis based on a LinModel
The equivalent counts method can be used to derive
- expected upper limits
- discovery reach
- equivalent signal and background counts
based on the Fisher information matrix of general penalized Poisson likelihood models. The results are usually rather accurate, and work in the statistics limited, background limited and systematics limited regime. However, they require that the parameter of interest is (a) unconstrained and (b) corresponds to a component normalization.
class EquivalentCounts(object): """*Equivalent counts* analysis based on a `LinModel` instance. The equivalent counts method can be used to derive - expected upper limits - discovery reach - equivalent signal and background counts based on the Fisher information matrix of general penalized Poisson likelihood models. The results are usually rather accurate, and work in the statistics limited, background limited and systematics limited regime. However, they require that the parameter of interest is (a) unconstrained and (b) corresponds to a component normalization. """ def __init__(self, model): """Constructor. Paramters --------- * `model` [instance of `LinModel` class]: Input LinModel model. """ self._model = model def totalcounts(self, i, theta_i): """Return total signal and background counts. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `theta_i` [float]: Normalization of component i. Returns ------- * `s` [float]: Total signal counts. * `b` [float]: Total background counts. """ s = sum(self._model._flux[i]*self._model._exposure*theta_i) b = sum(self._model._noise*self._model._exposure) return s, b def equivalentcounts(self, i, theta_i): """Return equivalent signal and background counts. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `theta_i` [float]: Normalization of component i. Returns ------- * `s` [float]: Equivalent signal counts. * `b` [float]: Equivalent background counts. """ I0 = 1./self._model.variance(i) thetas = np.zeros(self._model._ncomp) thetas[i] = theta_i I = 1./self._model.variance(i, theta = thetas) if I0 == I: return 0., None seff = 1/(1/I-1/I0)*theta_i**2 beff = 1/I0/(1/I-1/I0)**2*theta_i**2 return seff, beff def upperlimit(self, i, alpha = 0.05, force_gaussian = False, brentq_kwargs = {'xtol': 1e-4}): r"""Return expected upper limit. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `alpha` [float]: Statistical significance. For example, 0.05 means 95% confidence level. * `force_gaussian` [boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but only accurate in Gaussian regime). * `brentq_kwargs` [dict]: Keyword arguments passed to root-finding algorithm `scipy.optimize.brentq`. Returns ------- * `thetaUL` [float]: Expected median upper limit on $\theta_i$. """ Z = stats.norm.isf(alpha) I0 = 1./self._model.variance(i) if force_gaussian: return Z/np.sqrt(I0) else: thetas = np.zeros(self._model._ncomp) thetaUL_est = Z/np.sqrt(I0) # Gaussian estimate thetas[i] = thetaUL_est I = 1./self._model.variance(i, theta = thetas) if (I0-I)<0.02*I: # 1% accuracy of limits return thetaUL_est # Solve: s/np.sqrt(s+b) - Z = 0 def f(theta): s, b = self.equivalentcounts(i, theta) if s == 0: b = 1. # TODO: Check result = s/np.sqrt(s+b) - Z return result factor = 1. while True: factor *= 10 if f(thetaUL_est*factor)>0: break theta0 = brentq(f, thetaUL_est, thetaUL_est*factor, **brentq_kwargs) return theta0 def discoveryreach(self, i, alpha = 1e-6, force_gaussian = False, brentq_kwargs = {'xtol': 1e-4}): r"""Return expected discovery reach. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `alpha` [float]: Statistical significance. * `force_gaussian` [boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but only accurate in Gaussian regime). * `brentq_kwargs` [dict]: Keyword arguments passed to root-finding algorithm `scipy.optimize.brentq`. Returns ------- * `thetaDT` [float]: Expected median discovery reach for $\theta_i$. """ Z = stats.norm.isf(alpha) var0 = self._model.variance(i) if force_gaussian: # Gaussian approximation return Z*var0**0.5 thetas = np.zeros(self._model._ncomp) thetaDT_est = Z*np.sqrt(var0) # Gaussian approx. as starting point thetas[i] = thetaDT_est var = self._model.variance(i, theta = thetas) if abs(var0 - var) < 0.02*var: # Still Gaussian enough return Z*var0**0.5 # Solve: Z**2/2 - ((s+b)*np.log((s+b)/b)-s) = 0 def f(theta): s, b = self.equivalentcounts(i, theta) if s == 0: b = 1. # TODO: Check result = -Z**2/2 + ((s+b)*np.log((s+b)/b)-s) return result factor = 1. while True: factor *= 10 if f(thetaDT_est*factor)>0: break theta0 = brentq(f, thetaDT_est, thetaDT_est*factor, **brentq_kwargs) return theta0
Ancestors (in MRO)
- EquivalentCounts
- __builtin__.object
def __init__(
self, model)
[instance ofLinModel
class]: Input LinModel model.
def __init__(self, model): """Constructor. Paramters --------- * `model` [instance of `LinModel` class]: Input LinModel model. """ self._model = model
def discoveryreach(
self, i, alpha=1e-06, force_gaussian=False, brentq_kwargs={'xtol': 0.0001})
Return expected discovery reach.
[integer]: Index of component of interest.alpha
[float]: Statistical significance.force_gaussian
[boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but only accurate in Gaussian regime).brentq_kwargs
[dict]: Keyword arguments passed to root-finding algorithmscipy.optimize.brentq
[float]: Expected median discovery reach for $\theta_i$.
def discoveryreach(self, i, alpha = 1e-6, force_gaussian = False, brentq_kwargs = {'xtol': 1e-4}): r"""Return expected discovery reach. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `alpha` [float]: Statistical significance. * `force_gaussian` [boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but only accurate in Gaussian regime). * `brentq_kwargs` [dict]: Keyword arguments passed to root-finding algorithm `scipy.optimize.brentq`. Returns ------- * `thetaDT` [float]: Expected median discovery reach for $\theta_i$. """ Z = stats.norm.isf(alpha) var0 = self._model.variance(i) if force_gaussian: # Gaussian approximation return Z*var0**0.5 thetas = np.zeros(self._model._ncomp) thetaDT_est = Z*np.sqrt(var0) # Gaussian approx. as starting point thetas[i] = thetaDT_est var = self._model.variance(i, theta = thetas) if abs(var0 - var) < 0.02*var: # Still Gaussian enough return Z*var0**0.5 # Solve: Z**2/2 - ((s+b)*np.log((s+b)/b)-s) = 0 def f(theta): s, b = self.equivalentcounts(i, theta) if s == 0: b = 1. # TODO: Check result = -Z**2/2 + ((s+b)*np.log((s+b)/b)-s) return result factor = 1. while True: factor *= 10 if f(thetaDT_est*factor)>0: break theta0 = brentq(f, thetaDT_est, thetaDT_est*factor, **brentq_kwargs) return theta0
def equivalentcounts(
self, i, theta_i)
Return equivalent signal and background counts.
[integer]: Index of component of interest.theta_i
[float]: Normalization of component i.
[float]: Equivalent signal counts.b
[float]: Equivalent background counts.
def equivalentcounts(self, i, theta_i): """Return equivalent signal and background counts. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `theta_i` [float]: Normalization of component i. Returns ------- * `s` [float]: Equivalent signal counts. * `b` [float]: Equivalent background counts. """ I0 = 1./self._model.variance(i) thetas = np.zeros(self._model._ncomp) thetas[i] = theta_i I = 1./self._model.variance(i, theta = thetas) if I0 == I: return 0., None seff = 1/(1/I-1/I0)*theta_i**2 beff = 1/I0/(1/I-1/I0)**2*theta_i**2 return seff, beff
def totalcounts(
self, i, theta_i)
Return total signal and background counts.
[integer]: Index of component of interest.theta_i
[float]: Normalization of component i.
[float]: Total signal counts.b
[float]: Total background counts.
def totalcounts(self, i, theta_i): """Return total signal and background counts. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `theta_i` [float]: Normalization of component i. Returns ------- * `s` [float]: Total signal counts. * `b` [float]: Total background counts. """ s = sum(self._model._flux[i]*self._model._exposure*theta_i) b = sum(self._model._noise*self._model._exposure) return s, b
def upperlimit(
self, i, alpha=0.05, force_gaussian=False, brentq_kwargs={'xtol': 0.0001})
Return expected upper limit.
[integer]: Index of component of interest.alpha
[float]: Statistical significance. For example, 0.05 means 95% confidence level.force_gaussian
[boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but only accurate in Gaussian regime).brentq_kwargs
[dict]: Keyword arguments passed to root-finding algorithmscipy.optimize.brentq
[float]: Expected median upper limit on $\theta_i$.
def upperlimit(self, i, alpha = 0.05, force_gaussian = False, brentq_kwargs = {'xtol': 1e-4}): r"""Return expected upper limit. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `alpha` [float]: Statistical significance. For example, 0.05 means 95% confidence level. * `force_gaussian` [boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but only accurate in Gaussian regime). * `brentq_kwargs` [dict]: Keyword arguments passed to root-finding algorithm `scipy.optimize.brentq`. Returns ------- * `thetaUL` [float]: Expected median upper limit on $\theta_i$. """ Z = stats.norm.isf(alpha) I0 = 1./self._model.variance(i) if force_gaussian: return Z/np.sqrt(I0) else: thetas = np.zeros(self._model._ncomp) thetaUL_est = Z/np.sqrt(I0) # Gaussian estimate thetas[i] = thetaUL_est I = 1./self._model.variance(i, theta = thetas) if (I0-I)<0.02*I: # 1% accuracy of limits return thetaUL_est # Solve: s/np.sqrt(s+b) - Z = 0 def f(theta): s, b = self.equivalentcounts(i, theta) if s == 0: b = 1. # TODO: Check result = s/np.sqrt(s+b) - Z return result factor = 1. while True: factor *= 10 if f(thetaUL_est*factor)>0: break theta0 = brentq(f, thetaUL_est, thetaUL_est*factor, **brentq_kwargs) return theta0
class EuclideanizedSignal
class EuclideanizedSignal(object): # WARNING: This only cares about the covariance matrix and background, not # the individual S components def __init__(self, model): """*Effective vector* calculation based on a `LinModel` instance. The distance method provides a simple way to calculate the expected statistical distance between two signals, accounting for background variations and statistical uncertainties. In practice, it maps signal spectra on distance vectors such that the Eucledian distance between vectors corresponds to the statistical difference between signal spectra. """ self._model = copy.deepcopy(model) self._A0 = None def _get_A(self, S = None): """Return matrix `A`, such that x = A*S is the Eucledian distance vector.""" noise = self._model._noise.copy()*1. # Noise without anything extra if S is not None: noise += S exposure = self._model._exposure spexp = la.aslinearoperator(sp.diags(exposure)) # Definition: D = N*E + E*Sigma*E D = ( la.aslinearoperator(sp.diags(noise*exposure)) + spexp*self._model._systematics*spexp ) # TODO: Add all components and their errors to D D = D(np.eye(self._model._nbins)) # transform to dense matrix invD = np.linalg.linalg.inv(D) A2 = np.diag(exposure).dot(invD).dot(np.diag(exposure)) A = sqrtm(A2) Kdiag = np.diag(self._model._systematics.dot(np.eye(self._model._nbins))) nA = np.diag(np.sqrt(noise*exposure+Kdiag*exposure**2)).dot(A) return nA def x(self, i, S): """Return model distance vector. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `S` [array-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Flux of signal component """ A = self._get_A(S) return A.dot(S)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- EuclideanizedSignal
- __builtin__.object
def __init__(
self, model)
Effective vector calculation based on a LinModel
The distance method provides a simple way to calculate the expected statistical distance between two signals, accounting for background variations and statistical uncertainties. In practice, it maps signal spectra on distance vectors such that the Eucledian distance between vectors corresponds to the statistical difference between signal spectra.
def __init__(self, model): """*Effective vector* calculation based on a `LinModel` instance. The distance method provides a simple way to calculate the expected statistical distance between two signals, accounting for background variations and statistical uncertainties. In practice, it maps signal spectra on distance vectors such that the Eucledian distance between vectors corresponds to the statistical difference between signal spectra. """ self._model = copy.deepcopy(model) self._A0 = None
def x(
self, i, S)
Return model distance vector.
[integer]: Index of component of interest.S
[array-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Flux of signal component
def x(self, i, S): """Return model distance vector. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `S` [array-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Flux of signal component """ A = self._get_A(S) return A.dot(S)
class Funkfish
, EquivalentCounts
and iminuit
-factory, based on non-linear models.
The underlying likelihood function is identical to the one of LinModel
with the only difference that model expectations are derived from
\mu_i(\vec\theta, \delta \vec B) = \left[ f_i(\vec\theta) + \delta B_i\right]\cdot E_i
can generate LinModel
and EquivalentCounts
objects as local
approximations to the non-linear model, as well as iminuit
based on the non-linear model directly. This facilitates (a) the fast
analysis of non-linear models and (b) the comparison between results based
on Fisher information and results from a full likelihood analysis.
class Funkfish(object): r"""`LinModel`, `EquivalentCounts` and `iminuit`-factory, based on non-linear models. The underlying likelihood function is identical to the one of `LinModel`, with the only difference that model expectations are derived from $$ \mu_i(\vec\theta, \delta \vec B) = \left[ f_i(\vec\theta) + \delta B_i\right]\cdot E_i $$ `Funkfish` can generate `LinModel` and `EquivalentCounts` objects as local approximations to the non-linear model, as well as `iminuit` instances based on the non-linear model directly. This facilitates (a) the fast analysis of non-linear models and (b) the comparison between results based on Fisher information and results from a full likelihood analysis. """ def __init__(self, f, theta0, E = None, K = None, T = None): r"""Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `f` [function]: Function of `n_comp` float arguments, returns `n_bins` flux expectation values, $\vec\mu(\vec\theta)$. * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Default model parameters. * `E` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Exposure. See `LinModel` documentation for details. * `K` [matrix-like]: Covariance matrix. See `LinModel` documentation for details. * `T` [vector-like]: Model parameter constraints. See `LinModel` documentation for details. """ self._f = f self._x0 = np.array(theta0, dtype='float64') self._Sigma = K self._exposure = E self._constraints = T def _get_x0(self, x): """Get updated x0.""" if isinstance(x, dict): x0 = self._x0.copy() for i in x: x0[i] = x[i] return x0 elif x is not None: return x else: return self._x0 @staticmethod def _init_minuit(f, x = None, x_fix = None, x_err = None, x_lim = None, errordef = 1, **kwargs): """Initialize minuit using no-nonsense interface.""" try: import iminuit except ImportError: raise ImportError( "This function requires that the module iminuit is installed.") N = len(x) if x_err is not None: assert len(x_err) == N if x_lim is not None: assert len(x_lim) == N if x_fix is not None: assert len(x_fix) == N varnames = ["x"+str(i) for i in range(N)] def wf(*args): x = np.array(args) return f(x) for i, var in enumerate(varnames): kwargs[var] = x[i] if x_lim is not None: kwargs["limit_"+var] = x_lim[i] if x_err is not None: kwargs["error_"+var] = x_err[i] if x_fix is not None: kwargs["fix_"+var] = x_fix[i] return iminuit.Minuit(wf, forced_parameters = varnames, errordef = errordef, **kwargs) def LinModel(self, theta0 = None): r"""Generate `LinModel` instance. The generated `LinModel` instance is a local approximation to the non-linear model. It is defined by $$ B_i \equiv f_i(\vec\theta_0) $$ and $$ S_i \equiv \frac{\partial f_i}{\partial \theta_i}(\vec\theta_0) $$ where $\vec\theta_0$ is the expansion parameter defined below. Parameters ---------- * `theta0` [dictionary, or vector-like with shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: If vector-like, it overwrites the default `theta0`. A dictionary with keys $i$ and values $\theta_i$ updates the default. If `None` the default is used. Returns ------- * `SF` [`LinModel` instance] """ x0 = self._get_x0(theta0) flux = _func_to_templates(self._f, x0) noise = self._f(*x0) return LinModel(flux, noise, self._exposure, self._Sigma, T = self._constraints) def EquivalentCounts(self, theta0 = None): """Generate `EquivalentCounts` instance. Directly generates `EquivalentCounts` instance from `LinModel` instance. See documentation of `get_LinModel` method . """ SF = self.LinModel(theta0) return EquivalentCounts(SF) def TensorField(self, ix, iy, x_values, y_values, theta0 = None, logx = False, logy = False): """Generate `TensorField` instance. Samples Fisher information matrix on a 2-D grid, and generates an instance of `TensorField` that can be used to study parameter degeneracies, confidence contours, etc. Parameters ---------- * `ix` [integer]: Index of first component of interest, mapped on x-axis. * `iy` [integer]: Index of second component of interest, mapped on y-axis. * `x_values` [vector-like, shape=(nx)]: Values of model parameter `ix` along x-axis. * `y_values` [vector-like, shape=(ny)]: Values of model parameter `iy` along y-axis. * `theta0` [dictionary, or vector-like with shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: If vector-like, it overwrites the default `theta0`. A dictionary with keys $i$ and values $\theta_i$ updates the default. If `None` the default is used. Defines all parameters, except the parameters with indices `ix` and `iy`. Returns ------- * `TF` [`TensorField` instance]: Based on an interpolated version of the Fisher information matrix that is sampled from the (nx, ny) grid defined by `x_values` and `y_values`. """ # TODO: Update docstring theta0 = self._get_x0(theta0) g = np.zeros((len(y_values), len(x_values), 2, 2)) for i, y in enumerate(y_values): for j, x in enumerate(x_values): theta0[ix] = x theta0[iy] = y SF = self.LinModel(theta0) g[i, j] = SF.effectivefishermatrix((ix, iy)) return mp.TensorField(x_values, y_values, g, logx = logx, logy = logy) def iminuit(self, theta0 = None, **kwargs): """Return an `iminuit` instance. Model parameters are mapped on `iminuit` variables `x0`, `x1`, `x2`, etc Parameters ---------- * `theta0`: Asimov data * `**kwargs*: Arguments passed on to `iminuit` constructor. Returns ------- * `M` [`iminuit` instance] """ x0 = theta0 x0 = self._get_x0(x0) # make list SF0 = self.LinModel(x0) def chi2(x): mu = self.LinModel(x).mu() # Get proper model prediction lnL = SF0.profile_lnL(x0*0., x-x0, mu_overwrite = mu) return -2*lnL x0 = np.array(x0) x0err = np.where(x0>0., x0*0.01, 0.01) M = self._init_minuit(chi2, x = x0, x_err = x0err, **kwargs) return M
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Funkfish
- __builtin__.object
def __init__(
self, f, theta0, E=None, K=None, T=None)
[function]: Function ofn_comp
float arguments, returnsn_bins
flux expectation values, $\vec\mu(\vec\theta)$.theta0
[vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Default model parameters.E
[vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Exposure. SeeLinModel
documentation for details.K
[matrix-like]: Covariance matrix. SeeLinModel
documentation for details.T
[vector-like]: Model parameter constraints. SeeLinModel
documentation for details.
def __init__(self, f, theta0, E = None, K = None, T = None): r"""Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `f` [function]: Function of `n_comp` float arguments, returns `n_bins` flux expectation values, $\vec\mu(\vec\theta)$. * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Default model parameters. * `E` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Exposure. See `LinModel` documentation for details. * `K` [matrix-like]: Covariance matrix. See `LinModel` documentation for details. * `T` [vector-like]: Model parameter constraints. See `LinModel` documentation for details. """ self._f = f self._x0 = np.array(theta0, dtype='float64') self._Sigma = K self._exposure = E self._constraints = T
def EquivalentCounts(
self, theta0=None)
Generate EquivalentCounts
Directly generates EquivalentCounts
instance from LinModel
instance. See documentation of get_LinModel
method .
def EquivalentCounts(self, theta0 = None): """Generate `EquivalentCounts` instance. Directly generates `EquivalentCounts` instance from `LinModel` instance. See documentation of `get_LinModel` method . """ SF = self.LinModel(theta0) return EquivalentCounts(SF)
def LinModel(
self, theta0=None)
Generate LinModel
The generated LinModel
instance is a local approximation to the
non-linear model. It is defined by
B_i \equiv f_i(\vec\theta_0)
S_i \equiv \frac{\partial f_i}{\partial \theta_i}(\vec\theta_0)
where $\vec\theta_0$ is the expansion parameter defined below.
[dictionary, or vector-like with shape=(n_comp), orNone
]: If vector-like, it overwrites the defaulttheta0
. A dictionary with keys $i$ and values $\theta_i$ updates the default. IfNone
the default is used.
def LinModel(self, theta0 = None): r"""Generate `LinModel` instance. The generated `LinModel` instance is a local approximation to the non-linear model. It is defined by $$ B_i \equiv f_i(\vec\theta_0) $$ and $$ S_i \equiv \frac{\partial f_i}{\partial \theta_i}(\vec\theta_0) $$ where $\vec\theta_0$ is the expansion parameter defined below. Parameters ---------- * `theta0` [dictionary, or vector-like with shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: If vector-like, it overwrites the default `theta0`. A dictionary with keys $i$ and values $\theta_i$ updates the default. If `None` the default is used. Returns ------- * `SF` [`LinModel` instance] """ x0 = self._get_x0(theta0) flux = _func_to_templates(self._f, x0) noise = self._f(*x0) return LinModel(flux, noise, self._exposure, self._Sigma, T = self._constraints)
def TensorField(
self, ix, iy, x_values, y_values, theta0=None, logx=False, logy=False)
Generate TensorField
Samples Fisher information matrix on a 2-D grid, and generates an
instance of TensorField
that can be used to study parameter
degeneracies, confidence contours, etc.
[integer]: Index of first component of interest, mapped on x-axis.iy
[integer]: Index of second component of interest, mapped on y-axis.x_values
[vector-like, shape=(nx)]: Values of model parameterix
along x-axis.y_values
[vector-like, shape=(ny)]: Values of model parameteriy
along y-axis.theta0
[dictionary, or vector-like with shape=(n_comp), orNone
]: If vector-like, it overwrites the defaulttheta0
. A dictionary with keys $i$ and values $ heta_i$ updates the default. IfNone
the default is used. Defines all parameters, except the parameters with indicesix
instance]: Based on an interpolated version of the Fisher information matrix that is sampled from the (nx, ny) grid defined byx_values
def TensorField(self, ix, iy, x_values, y_values, theta0 = None, logx = False, logy = False): """Generate `TensorField` instance. Samples Fisher information matrix on a 2-D grid, and generates an instance of `TensorField` that can be used to study parameter degeneracies, confidence contours, etc. Parameters ---------- * `ix` [integer]: Index of first component of interest, mapped on x-axis. * `iy` [integer]: Index of second component of interest, mapped on y-axis. * `x_values` [vector-like, shape=(nx)]: Values of model parameter `ix` along x-axis. * `y_values` [vector-like, shape=(ny)]: Values of model parameter `iy` along y-axis. * `theta0` [dictionary, or vector-like with shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: If vector-like, it overwrites the default `theta0`. A dictionary with keys $i$ and values $\theta_i$ updates the default. If `None` the default is used. Defines all parameters, except the parameters with indices `ix` and `iy`. Returns ------- * `TF` [`TensorField` instance]: Based on an interpolated version of the Fisher information matrix that is sampled from the (nx, ny) grid defined by `x_values` and `y_values`. """ # TODO: Update docstring theta0 = self._get_x0(theta0) g = np.zeros((len(y_values), len(x_values), 2, 2)) for i, y in enumerate(y_values): for j, x in enumerate(x_values): theta0[ix] = x theta0[iy] = y SF = self.LinModel(theta0) g[i, j] = SF.effectivefishermatrix((ix, iy)) return mp.TensorField(x_values, y_values, g, logx = logx, logy = logy)
def iminuit(
self, theta0=None, **kwargs)
Return an iminuit
Model parameters are mapped on iminuit
variables x0
, x1
, x2
, etc
: Asimov data**kwargs*: Arguments passed on to
iminuit` constructor.
def iminuit(self, theta0 = None, **kwargs): """Return an `iminuit` instance. Model parameters are mapped on `iminuit` variables `x0`, `x1`, `x2`, etc Parameters ---------- * `theta0`: Asimov data * `**kwargs*: Arguments passed on to `iminuit` constructor. Returns ------- * `M` [`iminuit` instance] """ x0 = theta0 x0 = self._get_x0(x0) # make list SF0 = self.LinModel(x0) def chi2(x): mu = self.LinModel(x).mu() # Get proper model prediction lnL = SF0.profile_lnL(x0*0., x-x0, mu_overwrite = mu) return -2*lnL x0 = np.array(x0) x0err = np.where(x0>0., x0*0.01, 0.01) M = self._init_minuit(chi2, x = x0, x_err = x0err, **kwargs) return M
class LinModel
Fisher analysis of general penalized Poisson likelihood models.
A model is defined by the following quantities
- $S_i^{(k)}$: Signal components, with $k=1, \dots, n$ components and $i=1,\dots, N$ bins.
- $B_i$: Background
- $E_i$: Exposure
- $K_{ij}$: Background covariance matrix
- $T_i$: Parameter constraints
The corresponding likelihood function is given by $$ \ln\mathcal{L}(\vec d|\vec\theta) = \max_{\delta B_i} \left[ \ln\mathcal{L}_p(\vec d| \vec\mu(\vec\theta, \delta \vec B)) + \ln\mathcal{L}_c(\vec\theta, \delta\vec B) \right] $$ with a Poisson part $$ \ln\mathcal{L}_p(\vec d|\vec \mu) = \sum_{i=1}^N d_i \cdot\ln \mu_i - \mu_i -\ln\Gamma(d_i+1) $$ and a constraint part $$ \ln\mathcal{L}_c(\vec\theta, \delta \vec B) = \frac12 \sum_i \left(\frac{\theta_i}{T_i}\right)^2 +\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i,j} \delta B_i \left(K^{-1}\right)_{ij} \delta B_j \;, $$ where the expected differential number of counts is given by $$ \mu_i(\vec\theta,\delta \vec B) = \left[\sum_{k=1}^n \theta_k S_i^{(k)}+B_i+\delta B_i\right]\cdot E_i \;. $$
Instances of this class define the model parameters, and provide methods to calcualte the associated Fisher information matrix and the information flux.
class LinModel(object): r"""Fisher analysis of general penalized Poisson likelihood models. A model is defined by the following quantities * $S_i^{(k)}$: Signal components, with $k=1, \dots, n$ components and $i=1,\dots, N$ bins. - $B_i$: Background - $E_i$: Exposure - $K\_{ij}$: Background covariance matrix - $T_i$: Parameter constraints The corresponding likelihood function is given by $$ \ln\mathcal{L}(\vec d|\vec\theta) = \max\_{\delta B_i} \left[ \ln\mathcal{L}_p(\vec d| \vec\mu(\vec\theta, \delta \vec B)) + \ln\mathcal{L}_c(\vec\theta, \delta\vec B) \right] $$ with a Poisson part $$ \ln\mathcal{L}_p(\vec d|\vec \mu) = \sum\_{i=1}^N d_i \cdot\ln \mu_i - \mu_i -\ln\Gamma(d_i+1) $$ and a constraint part $$ \ln\mathcal{L}_c(\vec\theta, \delta \vec B) = \frac12 \sum_i \left(\frac{\theta_i}{T_i}\right)^2 +\frac{1}{2}\sum\_{i,j} \delta B_i \left(K^{-1}\right)\_{ij} \delta B_j \;, $$ where the expected differential number of counts is given by $$ \mu_i(\vec\theta,\delta \vec B) = \left[\sum\_{k=1}^n \theta_k S_i^{(k)}+B_i+\delta B_i\right]\cdot E_i \;. $$ Instances of this class define the model parameters, and provide methods to calcualte the associated Fisher information matrix and the information flux. """ def __init__(self, S, B, E = None, K = None, T = None, solver = 'direct', verbose = False): r"""Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `S` [matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_bins)]: Flux of signal components. * `B` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Background flux. * `E` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins), or `None`]: Exposure. The value `None` implies that $E_i=1$. * `K` [matrix-like, shape=(n_bins, n_bins), or `None`]: Covariance matrix of background flux uncertainties. Can handle anything that can be cast to a `LinearOperator` objects, in particular dense and sparse matrices. The value `None` implies $\delta B_i = 0$. * `T` [vector-like or list-like, shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: Constraints on model parameters. A list element `None` implies that no constraint is applied to the corresponding parameter. If `T=None` no constraints are applied to any parameter. * `solver` [`'direct'` or `'cg'`]: Solver method used for matrix inversion, either conjugate gradient (cg) or direct matrix inversion. * `verbose` [boolean]: If set `True` various methods print additional information. """ S = np.array(S, dtype='float64') assert S.ndim == 2, "S is not matrix-like." n_comp, n_bins = S.shape self._flux = S B = np.array(B, dtype='float64') assert B.shape == (n_bins,), "B has incorrect shape." self._noise = B if E is None: E = np.ones(n_bins, dtype='float64') else: E = np.array(E, dtype='float64') assert E.shape == (n_bins,), "E has incorrect shape." self._exposure = E if K is None: self._sysflag = False K = la.LinearOperator((n_bins, n_bins), matvec = lambda x: np.zeros_like(x)) else: self._sysflag = True assert K.shape == (n_bins, n_bins), "K has incorrect shape." K = la.aslinearoperator(K) if K is not None else None self._systematics = K T = self._get_constraints(T, n_comp) self._constraints = T self._nbins = n_bins self._ncomp = n_comp self._verbose = verbose self._solver = solver self._scale = self._get_auto_scale(S, E) self._cache = None # Initialize internal cache @staticmethod def _get_auto_scale(flux, exposure): return np.array( [1./(f*exposure).max() for f in flux] ) @staticmethod def _get_constraints(constraints, ncomp): assert constraints is None or len(constraints) == ncomp if constraints is not None: constraints = np.array( [np.inf if x is None or x == np.inf else x for x in constraints], dtype = 'float64') if any(constraints<=0.): raise ValueError("Constraints must be positive or None.") else: constraints = np.ones(ncomp)*np.inf return constraints def _summedNoise(self, theta = None): noise_tot = self._noise*1. # Make copy if theta is not None: for i in range(max(self._ncomp, len(theta))): noise_tot += theta[i]*self._flux[i] return noise_tot def mu(self, theta = None): r"""Return expectation values for given model parameters. Parameters ---------- * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: Model parameters. The value `None` implies $\theta_i = 0$. Returns ------- * `mu` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Expectation value, $\mu_i(\vec \theta, \delta \vec B = 0)$. """ return self._summedNoise(theta)*self._exposure def _solveD(self, theta = None): """ Calculates: N = noise + theta*flux D = diag(E)*Sigma*diag(E)+diag(N*E) x[i] = D^-1 flux[i]*E Note: if Sigma = None: x[i] = flux[i]/noise Returns: x, noise, exposure """ noise = self._summedNoise(theta) exposure = self._exposure spexp = la.aslinearoperator(sp.diags(exposure)) D = ( la.aslinearoperator(sp.diags(noise*exposure)) + spexp*self._systematics*spexp ) x = np.zeros((self._ncomp, self._nbins)) if not self._sysflag: for i in range(self._ncomp): x[i] = self._flux[i]/noise*exposure elif self._sysflag and self._solver == "direct": dense = D(np.eye(self._nbins)) invD = np.linalg.linalg.inv(dense) for i in range(self._ncomp): x[i] = np.dot(invD, self._flux[i]*exposure)*exposure elif self._sysflag and self._solver == "cg": def callback(x): if self._verbose: print len(x), sum(x), np.mean(x) for i in range(self._ncomp): x0 = self._flux[i]/noise if self._cache is None else self._cache/exposure x[i] = la.cg(D, self._flux[i]*exposure, x0 = x0, callback = callback, tol = 1e-3)[0] x[i] *= exposure self._cache= x[i] else: raise KeyError("Solver unknown.") return x, noise, exposure def fishermatrix(self, theta = None): r"""Return Fisher information matrix. Parameters ---------- * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. The value `None` is equivalent to $\vec\theta=0$. Returns ------- * `I` [matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_comp)]: Fisher information matrix, $\mathcal{I}\_{ij}$. """ x, noise, exposure = self._solveD(theta=theta) I = np.zeros((self._ncomp,self._ncomp)) for i in range(self._ncomp): for j in range(i+1): tmp = sum(self._flux[i]*x[j]) I[i,j] = tmp I[j,i] = tmp return I+np.diag(1./self._constraints**2) def infoflux(self, theta = None): r"""Return Fisher information flux. Parameters ---------- * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. The value `None` is equivalent to $\vec\theta=0$. Returns ------- * `F` [3-D array, shape=(n_comp, n_comp, n_bins)]: Fisher information flux. """ x, noise, exposure = self._solveD(theta=theta) F = np.zeros((self._ncomp,self._ncomp,self._nbins)) for i in range(self._ncomp): for j in range(i+1): tmp = x[i]*x[j]*noise/(exposure**2.) F[i,j] = tmp F[j,i] = tmp return F def effectivefishermatrix(self, indexlist, **kwargs): """Return effective Fisher information matrix for subset of components. Parameters ---------- * `indexlist` [integer, or list of integers]: Components of interest. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to call of `fishermatrix`. Returns ------- * `Ieff` [float, or matrix-like, shape=(len(indexlist), len(indexlist))]: Effective Fisher information matrix. """ if isinstance(indexlist, np.int): indexlist = [indexlist] indices = np.setdiff1d(range(self._ncomp), indexlist) n = len(indexlist) I = self.fishermatrix(**kwargs) A = I[indexlist,:][:,indexlist] B = I[indices,:][:,indexlist] C = I[indices,:][:,indices] invC = np.linalg.linalg.inv(C) Ieff = A - B.T.dot(invC.dot(B)) return Ieff def variance(self, i, **kwargs): r"""Return variance of $\theta_i$. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest * `**kwargs`: Passed on to call of `fishermatrix`. Returns ------- * `var` [float]: Variance of parameter $\theta_i$. """ I = self.fishermatrix(**kwargs) invI = np.linalg.linalg.inv(I) return invI[i,i] def effectiveinfoflux(self, i, **kwargs): """Return effective Fisher Information Flux. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to call of `fishermatrix` and `infoflux`. Returns ------- * `Feff` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Effective information flux. """ F = self.infoflux(**kwargs) I = self.fishermatrix(**kwargs) n = self._ncomp if n == 1: return F[i,i] indices = np.setdiff1d(range(n), i) eff_F = F[i,i] C = np.zeros(n-1) B = np.zeros((n-1,n-1)) for j in range(n-1): C[j] = I[indices[j],i] for k in range(n-1): B[j,k] = I[indices[j], indices[k]] invB = np.linalg.linalg.inv(B) for j in range(n-1): for k in range(n-1): eff_F = eff_F - F[i,indices[j]]*invB[j,k]*C[k] eff_F = eff_F - C[j]*invB[j,k]*F[indices[k],i] for l in range(n-1): for m in range(n-1): eff_F = eff_F + C[j]*invB[j,l]*F[indices[l],indices[m]]*invB[m,k]*C[k] return eff_F # Likelihood with systematics def lnL(self, theta0, theta, deltaB = None, epsilon = 1e-3, derivative = False, mu_overwrite = None): r"""Return log-likelihood function, assuming Asimov data. Parameters ---------- * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters used for calculation of Asimov data. Note that Asimov data is generated assuming $\delta\vec B =0$. * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. * `deltaB`: [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Background variations of model. A value of `None` corresponds to $\delta\vec B = 0$. * `epsilon` [float]: Fraction of diagonal noise that is added to K to stabilize matrix inversion. Must be small enough to not affect results. * `derivative` [boolean]: If set to `True`, function also resturns partial derivatives w.r.t. model parameters. * `mu_overwrite` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: This parameter is internally used to handle non-linear models. It overwrites the model predictions that are derived from `theta` and `deltaB`. In that case, `theta` and `deltaB` only affect the constraint part of the likelihood. Returns ------- * `lnL` [float]: Log-likelihood, including Poisson and constraint part. OR if `derivative == True` * `lnL, dlnL_dtheta, dlnL_deltaB` [(float, vector-like with shape=(n_comp), vector-like with shape=(n_bins))]: Log-likelihood and its partial derivatives. """ dmu = deltaB theta = np.array(theta, dtype='float64') theta0 = np.array(theta0, dtype='float64') mu0 = self._summedNoise(theta0)*self._exposure systnoise = self._summedNoise(theta0)*epsilon/self._exposure if mu_overwrite is None: mu = self._summedNoise(theta)*self._exposure else: mu = mu_overwrite.copy() if dmu is None: dmu = np.zeros_like(self._exposure) if self._sysflag: mu += dmu*self._exposure self._at_bound = any(mu<mu0*1e-6) mu = np.where(mu<mu0*1e-6, mu0*1e-6, mu) lnL = (mu0*np.log(mu)-mu-0*gammaln(mu0+1)).sum() #print mu0.sum(), mu.sum() lnL -= (0.5*theta**2/self._constraints**2).sum() if self._sysflag: dense = self._systematics(np.eye(self._nbins)) #invS = np.linalg.linalg.inv(dense+np.eye(self._nbins)*epsilon) invS = np.linalg.linalg.inv(dense+np.diag(systnoise)) lnL -= 0.5*(invS.dot(dmu)*dmu).sum() if derivative: dlnL_dtheta = (mu0/mu*self._flux*self._exposure-self._flux*self._exposure).sum(axis=1) dlnL_dtheta -= theta/self._constraints**2 if self._sysflag: dlnL_dmu = mu0/mu*self._exposure - self._exposure - invS.dot(dmu) else: dlnL_dmu = None return lnL, dlnL_dtheta, dlnL_dmu else: return lnL def profile_lnL(self, theta0, theta, epsilon = 1e-3, free_theta = None, mu_overwrite = None): r"""Return profile log-likelihood. Note: Profiling is done using `scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b`. All $\delta \vec B$ are treated as free parameters, as well as those model parameters $\theta_i$ that are specified in `free_theta`. Parameters --------- * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters used for calculation of Asimov data. Note that Asimov data is generated assuming $\delta\vec B =0$. * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. * `epsilon` [float]: Fraction of diagonal noise that is added to K to stabilize matrix inversion. Must be small enough to not affect results. * `free_theta` [list-like, shape=(n_comp)]: If a list entry is set to `True`, the corresponding model parameter will be maximized. * `mu_overwrite` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: See `lnL`. Returns ------- * `profile_lnL` [float]: Profile log-likelihood. """ theta = np.array(theta, dtype='float64') theta0 = np.array(theta0, dtype='float64') if free_theta is None: free_theta = np.zeros(len(theta), dtype='bool') else: free_theta = np.array(free_theta, dtype='bool') Nfree_theta = (free_theta).sum() Nsyst = len(self._exposure) if self._sysflag else 0 N = Nfree_theta + Nsyst x0 = np.zeros(N) x0[:Nfree_theta] = theta[free_theta] fp = 0. def f(x): global fp theta[free_theta] = x[:Nfree_theta] dmu = x[Nfree_theta:] lnL, grad_theta, grad_dmu = self.lnL(theta0, theta, deltaB = dmu, epsilon = epsilon, derivative = True, mu_overwrite = mu_overwrite) fp = np.zeros(N) fp[:Nfree_theta] = grad_theta[free_theta] fp[Nfree_theta:] = grad_dmu return -lnL def fprime(x): global fp return -fp if N == 0.: return self.lnL(theta0, theta, mu_overwrite = mu_overwrite) result = fmin_l_bfgs_b(f, x0, fprime, approx_grad = False) if self._verbose: print "Best-fit parameters:", result[0] if self._at_bound: print "WARNING: No maximum with non-negative flux found." return -result[1] else: return -result[1]
Ancestors (in MRO)
- LinModel
- __builtin__.object
def __init__(
self, S, B, E=None, K=None, T=None, solver='direct', verbose=False)
[matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_bins)]: Flux of signal components.B
[vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Background flux.E
[vector-like, shape=(n_bins), orNone
]: Exposure. The valueNone
implies that $E_i=1$.K
[matrix-like, shape=(n_bins, n_bins), orNone
]: Covariance matrix of background flux uncertainties. Can handle anything that can be cast to aLinearOperator
objects, in particular dense and sparse matrices. The valueNone
implies $\delta B_i = 0$.T
[vector-like or list-like, shape=(n_comp), orNone
]: Constraints on model parameters. A list elementNone
implies that no constraint is applied to the corresponding parameter. IfT=None
no constraints are applied to any parameter.solver
]: Solver method used for matrix inversion, either conjugate gradient (cg) or direct matrix inversion.verbose
[boolean]: If setTrue
various methods print additional information.
def __init__(self, S, B, E = None, K = None, T = None, solver = 'direct', verbose = False): r"""Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `S` [matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_bins)]: Flux of signal components. * `B` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Background flux. * `E` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins), or `None`]: Exposure. The value `None` implies that $E_i=1$. * `K` [matrix-like, shape=(n_bins, n_bins), or `None`]: Covariance matrix of background flux uncertainties. Can handle anything that can be cast to a `LinearOperator` objects, in particular dense and sparse matrices. The value `None` implies $\delta B_i = 0$. * `T` [vector-like or list-like, shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: Constraints on model parameters. A list element `None` implies that no constraint is applied to the corresponding parameter. If `T=None` no constraints are applied to any parameter. * `solver` [`'direct'` or `'cg'`]: Solver method used for matrix inversion, either conjugate gradient (cg) or direct matrix inversion. * `verbose` [boolean]: If set `True` various methods print additional information. """ S = np.array(S, dtype='float64') assert S.ndim == 2, "S is not matrix-like." n_comp, n_bins = S.shape self._flux = S B = np.array(B, dtype='float64') assert B.shape == (n_bins,), "B has incorrect shape." self._noise = B if E is None: E = np.ones(n_bins, dtype='float64') else: E = np.array(E, dtype='float64') assert E.shape == (n_bins,), "E has incorrect shape." self._exposure = E if K is None: self._sysflag = False K = la.LinearOperator((n_bins, n_bins), matvec = lambda x: np.zeros_like(x)) else: self._sysflag = True assert K.shape == (n_bins, n_bins), "K has incorrect shape." K = la.aslinearoperator(K) if K is not None else None self._systematics = K T = self._get_constraints(T, n_comp) self._constraints = T self._nbins = n_bins self._ncomp = n_comp self._verbose = verbose self._solver = solver self._scale = self._get_auto_scale(S, E) self._cache = None # Initialize internal cache
def effectivefishermatrix(
self, indexlist, **kwargs)
Return effective Fisher information matrix for subset of components.
[integer, or list of integers]: Components of interest.**kwargs
: Passed on to call offishermatrix
[float, or matrix-like, shape=(len(indexlist), len(indexlist))]: Effective Fisher information matrix.
def effectivefishermatrix(self, indexlist, **kwargs): """Return effective Fisher information matrix for subset of components. Parameters ---------- * `indexlist` [integer, or list of integers]: Components of interest. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to call of `fishermatrix`. Returns ------- * `Ieff` [float, or matrix-like, shape=(len(indexlist), len(indexlist))]: Effective Fisher information matrix. """ if isinstance(indexlist, np.int): indexlist = [indexlist] indices = np.setdiff1d(range(self._ncomp), indexlist) n = len(indexlist) I = self.fishermatrix(**kwargs) A = I[indexlist,:][:,indexlist] B = I[indices,:][:,indexlist] C = I[indices,:][:,indices] invC = np.linalg.linalg.inv(C) Ieff = A - B.T.dot(invC.dot(B)) return Ieff
def effectiveinfoflux(
self, i, **kwargs)
Return effective Fisher Information Flux.
[integer]: Index of component of interest.**kwargs
: Passed on to call offishermatrix
[vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Effective information flux.
def effectiveinfoflux(self, i, **kwargs): """Return effective Fisher Information Flux. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to call of `fishermatrix` and `infoflux`. Returns ------- * `Feff` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Effective information flux. """ F = self.infoflux(**kwargs) I = self.fishermatrix(**kwargs) n = self._ncomp if n == 1: return F[i,i] indices = np.setdiff1d(range(n), i) eff_F = F[i,i] C = np.zeros(n-1) B = np.zeros((n-1,n-1)) for j in range(n-1): C[j] = I[indices[j],i] for k in range(n-1): B[j,k] = I[indices[j], indices[k]] invB = np.linalg.linalg.inv(B) for j in range(n-1): for k in range(n-1): eff_F = eff_F - F[i,indices[j]]*invB[j,k]*C[k] eff_F = eff_F - C[j]*invB[j,k]*F[indices[k],i] for l in range(n-1): for m in range(n-1): eff_F = eff_F + C[j]*invB[j,l]*F[indices[l],indices[m]]*invB[m,k]*C[k] return eff_F
def fishermatrix(
self, theta=None)
Return Fisher information matrix.
[vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. The valueNone
is equivalent to $\vec\theta=0$.
[matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_comp)]: Fisher information matrix, $\mathcal{I}_{ij}$.
def fishermatrix(self, theta = None): r"""Return Fisher information matrix. Parameters ---------- * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. The value `None` is equivalent to $\vec\theta=0$. Returns ------- * `I` [matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_comp)]: Fisher information matrix, $\mathcal{I}\_{ij}$. """ x, noise, exposure = self._solveD(theta=theta) I = np.zeros((self._ncomp,self._ncomp)) for i in range(self._ncomp): for j in range(i+1): tmp = sum(self._flux[i]*x[j]) I[i,j] = tmp I[j,i] = tmp return I+np.diag(1./self._constraints**2)
def infoflux(
self, theta=None)
Return Fisher information flux.
[vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. The valueNone
is equivalent to $\vec\theta=0$.
[3-D array, shape=(n_comp, n_comp, n_bins)]: Fisher information flux.
def infoflux(self, theta = None): r"""Return Fisher information flux. Parameters ---------- * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. The value `None` is equivalent to $\vec\theta=0$. Returns ------- * `F` [3-D array, shape=(n_comp, n_comp, n_bins)]: Fisher information flux. """ x, noise, exposure = self._solveD(theta=theta) F = np.zeros((self._ncomp,self._ncomp,self._nbins)) for i in range(self._ncomp): for j in range(i+1): tmp = x[i]*x[j]*noise/(exposure**2.) F[i,j] = tmp F[j,i] = tmp return F
def lnL(
self, theta0, theta, deltaB=None, epsilon=0.001, derivative=False, mu_overwrite=None)
Return log-likelihood function, assuming Asimov data.
[vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters used for calculation of Asimov data. Note that Asimov data is generated assuming $\delta\vec B =0$.theta
[vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters.deltaB
: [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Background variations of model. A value ofNone
corresponds to $\delta\vec B = 0$.epsilon
[float]: Fraction of diagonal noise that is added to K to stabilize matrix inversion. Must be small enough to not affect results.derivative
[boolean]: If set toTrue
, function also resturns partial derivatives w.r.t. model parameters.mu_overwrite
[vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: This parameter is internally used to handle non-linear models. It overwrites the model predictions that are derived fromtheta
. In that case,theta
only affect the constraint part of the likelihood.
[float]: Log-likelihood, including Poisson and constraint part.
OR if derivative == True
lnL, dlnL_dtheta, dlnL_deltaB
[(float, vector-like with shape=(n_comp), vector-like with shape=(n_bins))]: Log-likelihood and its partial derivatives.
def lnL(self, theta0, theta, deltaB = None, epsilon = 1e-3, derivative = False, mu_overwrite = None): r"""Return log-likelihood function, assuming Asimov data. Parameters ---------- * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters used for calculation of Asimov data. Note that Asimov data is generated assuming $\delta\vec B =0$. * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. * `deltaB`: [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Background variations of model. A value of `None` corresponds to $\delta\vec B = 0$. * `epsilon` [float]: Fraction of diagonal noise that is added to K to stabilize matrix inversion. Must be small enough to not affect results. * `derivative` [boolean]: If set to `True`, function also resturns partial derivatives w.r.t. model parameters. * `mu_overwrite` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: This parameter is internally used to handle non-linear models. It overwrites the model predictions that are derived from `theta` and `deltaB`. In that case, `theta` and `deltaB` only affect the constraint part of the likelihood. Returns ------- * `lnL` [float]: Log-likelihood, including Poisson and constraint part. OR if `derivative == True` * `lnL, dlnL_dtheta, dlnL_deltaB` [(float, vector-like with shape=(n_comp), vector-like with shape=(n_bins))]: Log-likelihood and its partial derivatives. """ dmu = deltaB theta = np.array(theta, dtype='float64') theta0 = np.array(theta0, dtype='float64') mu0 = self._summedNoise(theta0)*self._exposure systnoise = self._summedNoise(theta0)*epsilon/self._exposure if mu_overwrite is None: mu = self._summedNoise(theta)*self._exposure else: mu = mu_overwrite.copy() if dmu is None: dmu = np.zeros_like(self._exposure) if self._sysflag: mu += dmu*self._exposure self._at_bound = any(mu<mu0*1e-6) mu = np.where(mu<mu0*1e-6, mu0*1e-6, mu) lnL = (mu0*np.log(mu)-mu-0*gammaln(mu0+1)).sum() #print mu0.sum(), mu.sum() lnL -= (0.5*theta**2/self._constraints**2).sum() if self._sysflag: dense = self._systematics(np.eye(self._nbins)) #invS = np.linalg.linalg.inv(dense+np.eye(self._nbins)*epsilon) invS = np.linalg.linalg.inv(dense+np.diag(systnoise)) lnL -= 0.5*(invS.dot(dmu)*dmu).sum() if derivative: dlnL_dtheta = (mu0/mu*self._flux*self._exposure-self._flux*self._exposure).sum(axis=1) dlnL_dtheta -= theta/self._constraints**2 if self._sysflag: dlnL_dmu = mu0/mu*self._exposure - self._exposure - invS.dot(dmu) else: dlnL_dmu = None return lnL, dlnL_dtheta, dlnL_dmu else: return lnL
def mu(
self, theta=None)
Return expectation values for given model parameters.
[vector-like, shape=(n_comp), orNone
]: Model parameters. The valueNone
implies $\theta_i = 0$.
[vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Expectation value, $\mu_i(\vec \theta, \delta \vec B = 0)$.
def mu(self, theta = None): r"""Return expectation values for given model parameters. Parameters ---------- * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp), or `None`]: Model parameters. The value `None` implies $\theta_i = 0$. Returns ------- * `mu` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: Expectation value, $\mu_i(\vec \theta, \delta \vec B = 0)$. """ return self._summedNoise(theta)*self._exposure
def profile_lnL(
self, theta0, theta, epsilon=0.001, free_theta=None, mu_overwrite=None)
Return profile log-likelihood.
Note: Profiling is done using scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b
. All
$\delta \vec B$ are treated as free parameters, as well as those model
parameters $\theta_i$ that are specified in free_theta
[vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters used for calculation of Asimov data. Note that Asimov data is generated assuming $\delta\vec B =0$.theta
[vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters.epsilon
[float]: Fraction of diagonal noise that is added to K to stabilize matrix inversion. Must be small enough to not affect results.free_theta
[list-like, shape=(n_comp)]: If a list entry is set toTrue
, the corresponding model parameter will be maximized.mu_overwrite
[vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: SeelnL
[float]: Profile log-likelihood.
def profile_lnL(self, theta0, theta, epsilon = 1e-3, free_theta = None, mu_overwrite = None): r"""Return profile log-likelihood. Note: Profiling is done using `scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b`. All $\delta \vec B$ are treated as free parameters, as well as those model parameters $\theta_i$ that are specified in `free_theta`. Parameters --------- * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters used for calculation of Asimov data. Note that Asimov data is generated assuming $\delta\vec B =0$. * `theta` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]: Model parameters. * `epsilon` [float]: Fraction of diagonal noise that is added to K to stabilize matrix inversion. Must be small enough to not affect results. * `free_theta` [list-like, shape=(n_comp)]: If a list entry is set to `True`, the corresponding model parameter will be maximized. * `mu_overwrite` [vector-like, shape=(n_bins)]: See `lnL`. Returns ------- * `profile_lnL` [float]: Profile log-likelihood. """ theta = np.array(theta, dtype='float64') theta0 = np.array(theta0, dtype='float64') if free_theta is None: free_theta = np.zeros(len(theta), dtype='bool') else: free_theta = np.array(free_theta, dtype='bool') Nfree_theta = (free_theta).sum() Nsyst = len(self._exposure) if self._sysflag else 0 N = Nfree_theta + Nsyst x0 = np.zeros(N) x0[:Nfree_theta] = theta[free_theta] fp = 0. def f(x): global fp theta[free_theta] = x[:Nfree_theta] dmu = x[Nfree_theta:] lnL, grad_theta, grad_dmu = self.lnL(theta0, theta, deltaB = dmu, epsilon = epsilon, derivative = True, mu_overwrite = mu_overwrite) fp = np.zeros(N) fp[:Nfree_theta] = grad_theta[free_theta] fp[Nfree_theta:] = grad_dmu return -lnL def fprime(x): global fp return -fp if N == 0.: return self.lnL(theta0, theta, mu_overwrite = mu_overwrite) result = fmin_l_bfgs_b(f, x0, fprime, approx_grad = False) if self._verbose: print "Best-fit parameters:", result[0] if self._at_bound: print "WARNING: No maximum with non-negative flux found." return -result[1] else: return -result[1]
def variance(
self, i, **kwargs)
Return variance of $\theta_i$.
[integer]: Index of component of interest**kwargs
: Passed on to call offishermatrix
[float]: Variance of parameter $\theta_i$.
def variance(self, i, **kwargs): r"""Return variance of $\theta_i$. Parameters ---------- * `i` [integer]: Index of component of interest * `**kwargs`: Passed on to call of `fishermatrix`. Returns ------- * `var` [float]: Variance of parameter $\theta_i$. """ I = self.fishermatrix(**kwargs) invI = np.linalg.linalg.inv(I) return invI[i,i]