swordfish.metricplot module
performs visualization of 2D metric tensors, using
variable-density streamlines and equal geodesic distance contours.
The intended use is the visualization of information geometry as derived from
an Funkfish
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """`metricplot` performs visualization of 2D metric tensors, using variable-density streamlines and equal geodesic distance contours. The intended use is the visualization of information geometry as derived from an `Funkfish` instance. """ from __future__ import division import numpy as np import scipy.interpolate as ip from scipy.integrate import odeint, dblquad from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse import pylab as plt import random as rd class TensorField(object): """Container class for 2-D tensor field and geodesic visualization. """ def __init__(self, x, y, g, logx = False, logy = False): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `x` [vector-like, shape=(N)]: Array with x-coordinates. * `y` [vector-like, shape=(M)]: Array with y-coordinates. * `g` [4-D array, shape=(M, N, 2, 2)]: Metric grid, using Cartesian indexing. * `logx` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally x -> log10(x), both for coordinates and metric. * `logy` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally y -> log10(y), both for coordinates and metric. """ if logx or logy: x, y, g = self._log10_converter(x, y, g, logx, logy) self.x, self.y, self.g = x, y, g self._extent = [x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()] gt = g.transpose((1,0,2,3)) # Cartesian --> matrix indexing self._g00 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, gt[:,:,0,0]) self._g11 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, gt[:,:,1,1]) self._g01 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, gt[:,:,0,1]) self._g10 = self._g01 @staticmethod def _log10_converter(x, y, g, logx, logy): if logx and x.min()<=0: raise ValueError("x-coordinates must be non-negative if logx = True.") if logy and y.min()<=0: raise ValueError("y-coordinates must be non-negative if logy = True.") for i in range(len(y)): for j in range(len(x)): g[i,j,0,0] *= x[j]**(logx*2) g[i,j,1,1] *= y[i]**(logy*2) g[i,j,0,1] *= x[j]**logx*y[i]**logy g[i,j,1,0] *= x[j]**logx*y[i]**logy if logx: x = np.log10(x) if logy: y = np.log10(y) g /= np.log10(np.e)**2 return x, y, g def __call__(self, x, y, dx = 0, dy = 0): g00 = self._g00(x, y, dx = dx, dy = dy)[0,0] g11 = self._g11(x, y, dx = dx, dy = dy)[0,0] g01 = self._g01(x, y, dx = dx, dy = dy)[0,0] g10 = g01 return np.array([[g00, g01], [g10, g11]]) def writeto(self, filename): """Dump tensor field to .npz file. Parameters ---------- * `filename` [str]: Output filename. """ np.savez(filename, x=self.x, y=self.y, g=self.g) @classmethod def fromfile(cls, filename, logx = False, logy = False): """Generate `TensorField` instance from .npz file. Parameters ---------- * `filename` [str]: Input filename. * `logx` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally x -> log10(x), both for coordinates and metric. * `logy` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally y -> log10(y), both for coordinates and metric. Returns ------- * `TF` [`TensorField` instance] """ data = np.load(filename) return cls(data['x'], data['y'], data['g'], logx = logx, logy = logy) def _Christoffel_1st(self, x, y): """Return Christoffel symbols, Gamma_{abc}.""" g = self.__call__(x, y) gx = self.__call__(x, y, dx = 1) gy = self.__call__(x, y, dy = 1) G000 = 0.5*gx[0,0] G111 = 0.5*gy[1,1] G001 = 0.5*(gy[0,0]+gx[0,1]-gx[0,1]) G011 = 0.5*(gy[0,1]+gy[0,1]-gx[1,1]) G010 = 0.5*(gx[0,1]+gy[0,0]-gx[1,0]) G110 = 0.5*(gx[1,1]+gy[1,0]-gy[1,0]) G100 = 0.5*(gx[1,0]+gx[1,0]-gy[0,0]) G101 = 0.5*(gy[1,0]+gx[1,1]-gy[0,1]) return np.array([[[G000, G001],[G010, G011]], [[G100, G101],[G110, G111]]]) def _Christoffel_2nd(self, x, y): Christoffel_1st = self._Christoffel_1st(x, y) g = self.__call__(x, y) inv_g = np.linalg.inv(g) return np.tensordot(inv_g, Christoffel_1st, (1, 0)) def _func(self, v, t=0): r = np.zeros_like(v) G = self._Christoffel_2nd(v[0], v[1]) r[0] = v[2] r[1] = v[3] r[2] = -(G[0,0,0]*v[2]*v[2]+G[0,0,1]*v[2]*v[3]+G[0,1,0]*v[3]*v[2]+G[0,1,1]*v[3]*v[3]) r[3] = -(G[1,0,0]*v[2]*v[2]+G[1,0,1]*v[2]*v[3]+G[1,1,0]*v[3]*v[2]+G[1,1,1]*v[3]*v[3]) return r def _volume(self): # NOTE: Deprecated / not used density = lambda x, y: np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(self.__call__(x, y))) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self._extent return dblquad(density, xmin, xmax, lambda x: ymin, lambda x: ymax)[0] def _sample(self, mask = None, N = 100): # NOTE: Deprecated / not used X = np.zeros(0) Y = np.zeros(0) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self._extent wmax = 0. # Determine wmax dynamically while True: w = np.random.random()*wmax x = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax) y = np.random.uniform(ymin, ymax) P = np.linalg.det(self.__call__(x,y)) if wmax < P: wmax = P accepted = P >= w if mask: accepted = accepted & mask(x, y) if accepted: X = np.append(X, x) Y = np.append(Y, y) if len(X) >= N: break sample = np.array(zip(X,Y)) return sample def _relax(self, samples, spring = False, boundaries = None): # NOTE: Deprecated / not used # Using Kindlmann & Westin 2006 prescription glist = [] N = len(samples) gamma = 0.5 if spring: phi_tilde = lambda r: ( r-1 if r < 1 else (r-1)*(1+gamma-r)**2/gamma**2 if r < 1+gamma else 0 ) else: phi_tilde = lambda r: r-1 if r < 1 else 0 beta = 0.1 phi_tilde = lambda r: r-1-beta if r < 1 else beta*(r-2) if r < 2 else 0 for p in samples: glist.append(self.__call__(p[0], p[1])) f_list = np.zeros((N, 2)) for i in range(N): for j in range(i): gmean = 0.5*(glist[i]+glist[j]) x = samples[i]-samples[j] D = np.sqrt(x.T.dot(gmean.dot(x))) f = phi_tilde(D)/D*gmean.dot(x) f_list[i] += -f f_list[j] += f if boundaries is None: boundaries = self._extent for i in range(N): bxL = samples[i][0]-boundaries[0] bxR = samples[i][0]-boundaries[1] byB = samples[i][1]-boundaries[2] byT = samples[i][1]-boundaries[3] alpha = 1 f_list[i][0] -= alpha*bxL if bxL<0 else 0 f_list[i][0] -= alpha*bxR if bxR>0 else 0 f_list[i][1] -= alpha*byB if byB<0 else 0 f_list[i][1] -= alpha*byT if byT>0 else 0 return samples + np.array(f_list)*1.0 def _ellipses(self, samples): # NOTE: Deprecated / not used for x in samples: e_1, e_2, l_1, l_2 = eigen(self.__call__(x[0], x[1])) ang = np.degrees(np.arccos(e_1[0])) e = Ellipse(xy=x, width = 1/l_1**0.5, height = 1/l_2**0.5, ec='0.1', fc = '0.5', angle = ang) plt.gca().add_patch(e) def contour(self, x, s0, Npoints = 64, plot_geodesics = False, **kwargs): """Plot geodesic equal distance contours, aka confidence regions. Parameters ---------- * `x` [2-tuple]: Central position. * `levels` [vector-like]: List of geodesic distances at which to generate contours. * `npoints` [integer]: Number of points along contour. * `plot_geodesics` [boolean]: Plot geodesics used to calculate contour. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to `pylab.plot`. Returns ------- * `contour` [2-D array]: List of contour lines. """ t = np.linspace(0, s0, 30) contour = [] for phi in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Npoints+1): g0 = self.__call__(x[0], x[1]) v = np.array([np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)]) norm = v.T.dot(g0).dot(v)**0.5 v /= norm s = odeint(self._func, [x[0], x[1], v[0], v[1]], t) contour.append(s[-1]) if plot_geodesics: plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1], 'b', lw=0.1) contour = np.array(contour) plt.plot(contour.T[0], contour.T[1], **kwargs) return contour def VectorFields(self): """Generate two `VectorField` instances. The vector fields represent the minor and major axes of the tensor field metric. Returns ------- * `vf1`[`VectorField` instance] * `vf2`[`VectorField` instance] NOTE: Which of the vector fields represents the major axis can change in different parts of the parameter space, usually when crossing boundaries where the metric is isotropic. If discontinuities show up in the vector fields, it generally helps to increase the number of grid points of the tensor field. Note that the implemented separation and ordering of the two vector fields will in general break in general down in the presence of singularities. """ g = self.g N, M, _, _ = np.shape(g) L1 = np.zeros((N,M)) L2 = np.zeros((N,M)) e1 = np.zeros((N,M,2)) e2 = np.zeros((N,M,2)) for i in range(N): for j in range(M): w, v = np.linalg.eig(g[i,j]) e1[i,j] = v[:,0] e2[i,j] = v[:,1] L1[i,j] = w[0] L2[i,j] = w[1] def swap(i,j): e_tmp = e1[i,j].copy() l_tmp = L1[i,j].copy() e1[i,j] = e2[i,j] L1[i,j] = L2[i,j] e2[i,j] = e_tmp L2[i,j] = l_tmp # Reorder vector field for j in range(0, M): if j > 0: if abs((e1[0,j]*e1[0,j-1]).sum())<abs((e2[0,j]*e1[0,j-1]).sum()): swap(0,j) if (e1[0,j]*e1[0,j-1]).sum() < 0: e1[0,j] *= -1 if (e2[0,j]*e2[0,j-1]).sum() < 0: e2[0,j] *= -1 for i in range(1, N): if abs((e1[i,j]*e1[i-1,j]).sum())<abs((e2[i,j]*e1[i-1,j]).sum()): swap(i,j) if (e1[i,j]*e1[i-1,j]).sum() < 0: e1[i,j] *= -1 if (e2[i,j]*e2[i-1,j]).sum() < 0: e2[i,j] *= -1 vf1 = VectorField(self.x, self.y, e1, L2**-0.5) vf2 = VectorField(self.x, self.y, e2, L1**-0.5) return vf1, vf2 def quiver(self): """Generate quiver plot for associated vector fields. This is useful for quickly checking that the vector fields look reasonably, have no discontinuities etc. """ vf1, vf2 = self.VectorFields() vf1._quiver(color='r') vf2._quiver(color='g') class VectorField(object): """Container class for vector field and streamline visualization. """ def __init__(self, x, y, v, d): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `x` [vector-like, shape=(N)]: Array with x-coordinates. * `y` [vector-like, shape=(M)]: Array with y-coordinates. * `v` [3-D array, shape=(M, N, 2)]: Vector field on grid, using Cartesian indexing. * `d` [matrix-like, shape=(M,N)]: Target Euclidean distance between streamlines (must correspond to unit geodesic distance). """ self.x, self.y, self.v, self._d = x, y, v, d self._extent = [x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()] vt = v.transpose((1,0,2)) # Cartesian --> matrix indexing dt = d.transpose((1,0)) # Cartesian --> matrix indexing self._v0 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, vt[:,:,0]) self._v1 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, vt[:,:,1]) self._d = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, dt) def __call__(self, x, t=0, normal = False): """Return interpolated vector at position x. Arguments --------- x : 1-D array (2) normal : boolean (optional) Normalize vector, default False. """ v = np.array([self._v0(x[0], x[1])[0,0], self._v1(x[0], x[1])[0,0]]) if normal: v /= np.linalg.norm(v) return v def _dist(self, x): """Return interpolated streamline distance at position x. Arguments --------- x : 1-D array (2) """ return self._d(x[0], x[1])[0,0] def _boundary_mask(self, seg, boundaries): """Returns mask for line segments outside of the boundaries. Arguments --------- seg : 2-D array (2, N) Line segment. Returns ------- mask : 1-D array (N) """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self._extent mask = (seg[:,0] < xmax) & (seg[:,0] > xmin)& (seg[:,1] < ymax)& (seg[:,1] > ymin) if boundaries is not None: mask *= boundaries(seg[:,0], seg[:,1]) return mask def _proximity_mask(self, seg, lines): """Returns mask for line segments that lie to close to other lines. Arguments --------- seg : 2-D array (2, N) Line segment. Returns ------- mask : 1-D array (N) """ mask = np.ones(len(seg), dtype='bool') for i, x in enumerate(seg): v = self.__call__(x, normal=True) vt = np.array([v[1], -v[0]]) for line in lines: dist_min = np.sqrt(((x-line)**2).sum(axis=1)).min() #dist_min = np.sqrt(((x-line)*v).sum(axis=1)**2*4+((x-line)*vt).sum(axis=1)**2).min() #dist_min_major = abs(((x-line)*self.major(x)).sum(axis=1)).min() #dist_min_minor = abs(((x-line)*self.minor(x)).sum(axis=1)).min() # FIXME: Hardcoded minimal distance if dist_min < self._dist(x)*0.75: mask[i:] = False return mask def _get_streamline(self, xinit, lines, boundaries, Nsteps = 30): """Generate next streamline. Arguments --------- xinit : 1-D array Start position. """ l = [] while True: # FIXME: what is optimal stepsize? t = np.linspace(0, 1, Nsteps) x0 = l[-1] if l != [] else xinit lnew = odeint(self.__call__, x0, t) maskb = self._boundary_mask(lnew, boundaries) maskp = self._proximity_mask(lnew, lines) if all(maskb) and all(maskp): l.extend(lnew) else: l.extend(lnew[maskb&maskp]) break l.reverse() while True: # FIXME: what is optimal stepsize? t = np.linspace(0, -1, Nsteps) x0 = l[-1] if l != [] else xinit lnew = odeint(self.__call__, x0, t) maskb = self._boundary_mask(lnew, boundaries) maskp = self._proximity_mask(lnew, lines) if all(maskb) and all(maskp): l.extend(lnew) else: l.extend(lnew[maskb&maskp]) break line = np.array(l) return line def _seed(self, lines, Nmax = 1000, boundaries = None): """Generate new seed position for next streamline. Arguments --------- Nmax : integer (optional) Maximum number of trials, default is 1000. """ for k in range(Nmax): j = rd.randint(0, len(lines)-1) i = rd.randint(0, len(lines[j])-1) x = lines[j][i] v = self.__call__(x) v_orth = np.array([v[1], -v[0]])/(v[0]**2+v[1]**2)**0.5 xseed = x + v_orth*self._dist(x)*(-1)**rd.randint(0,1) inbounds = self._boundary_mask(np.array([xseed]), boundaries)[0] notclose = self._proximity_mask(np.array([xseed]), lines)[0] #plt.plot([x[0],xseed[0]], [x[1],xseed[1]], marker='', ls='-', color='b') #plt.plot(xseed[0], xseed[1], marker='.', ls='', color='b') if inbounds & notclose: return xseed return None def streamlines(self, xinit = None, mask = None, Nmax = 30, Nsteps = 30, seed = None, **kwargs): """Plot streamlines. Parameters --------- * `xinit` [2-tuple]: Central position. If `None`, central position is set to mean of grid. The central position should be within the unmasked region. * `mask` [function]: Function of parameters (x,y), returning `False` in masked regions. * `Nmax` [integer]: Maximum number of streamlines, default 30. * `Nsteps` [integer]: Steps in `scipy.integrate.odeint`. * `seed` [integer]: Seed for random number generator. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to `pylab.plot`. Returns ------- * `lines` [list of 2-D array]: Generated streamlines. """ if xinit is None: xinit = [self.x.mean(), self.y.mean()] lines = [] xseed = xinit if seed is not None: rd.seed(seed) for i in range(Nmax): line = self._get_streamline(xseed, lines, mask, Nsteps = Nsteps) lines.append(line) xseed = self._seed(lines, boundaries = mask) if xseed is None: break for line in lines: plt.plot(line.T[0], line.T[1], **kwargs) return lines def _quiver(self, **kwargs): plt.quiver(self.x, self.y, self.v[:,:,0], self.v[:,:,1], **kwargs)
class TensorField
Container class for 2-D tensor field and geodesic visualization.
class TensorField(object): """Container class for 2-D tensor field and geodesic visualization. """ def __init__(self, x, y, g, logx = False, logy = False): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `x` [vector-like, shape=(N)]: Array with x-coordinates. * `y` [vector-like, shape=(M)]: Array with y-coordinates. * `g` [4-D array, shape=(M, N, 2, 2)]: Metric grid, using Cartesian indexing. * `logx` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally x -> log10(x), both for coordinates and metric. * `logy` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally y -> log10(y), both for coordinates and metric. """ if logx or logy: x, y, g = self._log10_converter(x, y, g, logx, logy) self.x, self.y, self.g = x, y, g self._extent = [x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()] gt = g.transpose((1,0,2,3)) # Cartesian --> matrix indexing self._g00 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, gt[:,:,0,0]) self._g11 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, gt[:,:,1,1]) self._g01 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, gt[:,:,0,1]) self._g10 = self._g01 @staticmethod def _log10_converter(x, y, g, logx, logy): if logx and x.min()<=0: raise ValueError("x-coordinates must be non-negative if logx = True.") if logy and y.min()<=0: raise ValueError("y-coordinates must be non-negative if logy = True.") for i in range(len(y)): for j in range(len(x)): g[i,j,0,0] *= x[j]**(logx*2) g[i,j,1,1] *= y[i]**(logy*2) g[i,j,0,1] *= x[j]**logx*y[i]**logy g[i,j,1,0] *= x[j]**logx*y[i]**logy if logx: x = np.log10(x) if logy: y = np.log10(y) g /= np.log10(np.e)**2 return x, y, g def __call__(self, x, y, dx = 0, dy = 0): g00 = self._g00(x, y, dx = dx, dy = dy)[0,0] g11 = self._g11(x, y, dx = dx, dy = dy)[0,0] g01 = self._g01(x, y, dx = dx, dy = dy)[0,0] g10 = g01 return np.array([[g00, g01], [g10, g11]]) def writeto(self, filename): """Dump tensor field to .npz file. Parameters ---------- * `filename` [str]: Output filename. """ np.savez(filename, x=self.x, y=self.y, g=self.g) @classmethod def fromfile(cls, filename, logx = False, logy = False): """Generate `TensorField` instance from .npz file. Parameters ---------- * `filename` [str]: Input filename. * `logx` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally x -> log10(x), both for coordinates and metric. * `logy` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally y -> log10(y), both for coordinates and metric. Returns ------- * `TF` [`TensorField` instance] """ data = np.load(filename) return cls(data['x'], data['y'], data['g'], logx = logx, logy = logy) def _Christoffel_1st(self, x, y): """Return Christoffel symbols, Gamma_{abc}.""" g = self.__call__(x, y) gx = self.__call__(x, y, dx = 1) gy = self.__call__(x, y, dy = 1) G000 = 0.5*gx[0,0] G111 = 0.5*gy[1,1] G001 = 0.5*(gy[0,0]+gx[0,1]-gx[0,1]) G011 = 0.5*(gy[0,1]+gy[0,1]-gx[1,1]) G010 = 0.5*(gx[0,1]+gy[0,0]-gx[1,0]) G110 = 0.5*(gx[1,1]+gy[1,0]-gy[1,0]) G100 = 0.5*(gx[1,0]+gx[1,0]-gy[0,0]) G101 = 0.5*(gy[1,0]+gx[1,1]-gy[0,1]) return np.array([[[G000, G001],[G010, G011]], [[G100, G101],[G110, G111]]]) def _Christoffel_2nd(self, x, y): Christoffel_1st = self._Christoffel_1st(x, y) g = self.__call__(x, y) inv_g = np.linalg.inv(g) return np.tensordot(inv_g, Christoffel_1st, (1, 0)) def _func(self, v, t=0): r = np.zeros_like(v) G = self._Christoffel_2nd(v[0], v[1]) r[0] = v[2] r[1] = v[3] r[2] = -(G[0,0,0]*v[2]*v[2]+G[0,0,1]*v[2]*v[3]+G[0,1,0]*v[3]*v[2]+G[0,1,1]*v[3]*v[3]) r[3] = -(G[1,0,0]*v[2]*v[2]+G[1,0,1]*v[2]*v[3]+G[1,1,0]*v[3]*v[2]+G[1,1,1]*v[3]*v[3]) return r def _volume(self): # NOTE: Deprecated / not used density = lambda x, y: np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(self.__call__(x, y))) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self._extent return dblquad(density, xmin, xmax, lambda x: ymin, lambda x: ymax)[0] def _sample(self, mask = None, N = 100): # NOTE: Deprecated / not used X = np.zeros(0) Y = np.zeros(0) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self._extent wmax = 0. # Determine wmax dynamically while True: w = np.random.random()*wmax x = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax) y = np.random.uniform(ymin, ymax) P = np.linalg.det(self.__call__(x,y)) if wmax < P: wmax = P accepted = P >= w if mask: accepted = accepted & mask(x, y) if accepted: X = np.append(X, x) Y = np.append(Y, y) if len(X) >= N: break sample = np.array(zip(X,Y)) return sample def _relax(self, samples, spring = False, boundaries = None): # NOTE: Deprecated / not used # Using Kindlmann & Westin 2006 prescription glist = [] N = len(samples) gamma = 0.5 if spring: phi_tilde = lambda r: ( r-1 if r < 1 else (r-1)*(1+gamma-r)**2/gamma**2 if r < 1+gamma else 0 ) else: phi_tilde = lambda r: r-1 if r < 1 else 0 beta = 0.1 phi_tilde = lambda r: r-1-beta if r < 1 else beta*(r-2) if r < 2 else 0 for p in samples: glist.append(self.__call__(p[0], p[1])) f_list = np.zeros((N, 2)) for i in range(N): for j in range(i): gmean = 0.5*(glist[i]+glist[j]) x = samples[i]-samples[j] D = np.sqrt(x.T.dot(gmean.dot(x))) f = phi_tilde(D)/D*gmean.dot(x) f_list[i] += -f f_list[j] += f if boundaries is None: boundaries = self._extent for i in range(N): bxL = samples[i][0]-boundaries[0] bxR = samples[i][0]-boundaries[1] byB = samples[i][1]-boundaries[2] byT = samples[i][1]-boundaries[3] alpha = 1 f_list[i][0] -= alpha*bxL if bxL<0 else 0 f_list[i][0] -= alpha*bxR if bxR>0 else 0 f_list[i][1] -= alpha*byB if byB<0 else 0 f_list[i][1] -= alpha*byT if byT>0 else 0 return samples + np.array(f_list)*1.0 def _ellipses(self, samples): # NOTE: Deprecated / not used for x in samples: e_1, e_2, l_1, l_2 = eigen(self.__call__(x[0], x[1])) ang = np.degrees(np.arccos(e_1[0])) e = Ellipse(xy=x, width = 1/l_1**0.5, height = 1/l_2**0.5, ec='0.1', fc = '0.5', angle = ang) plt.gca().add_patch(e) def contour(self, x, s0, Npoints = 64, plot_geodesics = False, **kwargs): """Plot geodesic equal distance contours, aka confidence regions. Parameters ---------- * `x` [2-tuple]: Central position. * `levels` [vector-like]: List of geodesic distances at which to generate contours. * `npoints` [integer]: Number of points along contour. * `plot_geodesics` [boolean]: Plot geodesics used to calculate contour. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to `pylab.plot`. Returns ------- * `contour` [2-D array]: List of contour lines. """ t = np.linspace(0, s0, 30) contour = [] for phi in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Npoints+1): g0 = self.__call__(x[0], x[1]) v = np.array([np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)]) norm = v.T.dot(g0).dot(v)**0.5 v /= norm s = odeint(self._func, [x[0], x[1], v[0], v[1]], t) contour.append(s[-1]) if plot_geodesics: plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1], 'b', lw=0.1) contour = np.array(contour) plt.plot(contour.T[0], contour.T[1], **kwargs) return contour def VectorFields(self): """Generate two `VectorField` instances. The vector fields represent the minor and major axes of the tensor field metric. Returns ------- * `vf1`[`VectorField` instance] * `vf2`[`VectorField` instance] NOTE: Which of the vector fields represents the major axis can change in different parts of the parameter space, usually when crossing boundaries where the metric is isotropic. If discontinuities show up in the vector fields, it generally helps to increase the number of grid points of the tensor field. Note that the implemented separation and ordering of the two vector fields will in general break in general down in the presence of singularities. """ g = self.g N, M, _, _ = np.shape(g) L1 = np.zeros((N,M)) L2 = np.zeros((N,M)) e1 = np.zeros((N,M,2)) e2 = np.zeros((N,M,2)) for i in range(N): for j in range(M): w, v = np.linalg.eig(g[i,j]) e1[i,j] = v[:,0] e2[i,j] = v[:,1] L1[i,j] = w[0] L2[i,j] = w[1] def swap(i,j): e_tmp = e1[i,j].copy() l_tmp = L1[i,j].copy() e1[i,j] = e2[i,j] L1[i,j] = L2[i,j] e2[i,j] = e_tmp L2[i,j] = l_tmp # Reorder vector field for j in range(0, M): if j > 0: if abs((e1[0,j]*e1[0,j-1]).sum())<abs((e2[0,j]*e1[0,j-1]).sum()): swap(0,j) if (e1[0,j]*e1[0,j-1]).sum() < 0: e1[0,j] *= -1 if (e2[0,j]*e2[0,j-1]).sum() < 0: e2[0,j] *= -1 for i in range(1, N): if abs((e1[i,j]*e1[i-1,j]).sum())<abs((e2[i,j]*e1[i-1,j]).sum()): swap(i,j) if (e1[i,j]*e1[i-1,j]).sum() < 0: e1[i,j] *= -1 if (e2[i,j]*e2[i-1,j]).sum() < 0: e2[i,j] *= -1 vf1 = VectorField(self.x, self.y, e1, L2**-0.5) vf2 = VectorField(self.x, self.y, e2, L1**-0.5) return vf1, vf2 def quiver(self): """Generate quiver plot for associated vector fields. This is useful for quickly checking that the vector fields look reasonably, have no discontinuities etc. """ vf1, vf2 = self.VectorFields() vf1._quiver(color='r') vf2._quiver(color='g')
Ancestors (in MRO)
- TensorField
- __builtin__.object
def __init__(
self, x, y, g, logx=False, logy=False)
[vector-like, shape=(N)]: Array with x-coordinates.y
[vector-like, shape=(M)]: Array with y-coordinates.g
[4-D array, shape=(M, N, 2, 2)]: Metric grid, using Cartesian indexing.logx
[boolean]: IfTrue
, convert internally x -> log10(x), both for coordinates and metric.logy
[boolean]: IfTrue
, convert internally y -> log10(y), both for coordinates and metric.
def __init__(self, x, y, g, logx = False, logy = False): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `x` [vector-like, shape=(N)]: Array with x-coordinates. * `y` [vector-like, shape=(M)]: Array with y-coordinates. * `g` [4-D array, shape=(M, N, 2, 2)]: Metric grid, using Cartesian indexing. * `logx` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally x -> log10(x), both for coordinates and metric. * `logy` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally y -> log10(y), both for coordinates and metric. """ if logx or logy: x, y, g = self._log10_converter(x, y, g, logx, logy) self.x, self.y, self.g = x, y, g self._extent = [x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()] gt = g.transpose((1,0,2,3)) # Cartesian --> matrix indexing self._g00 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, gt[:,:,0,0]) self._g11 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, gt[:,:,1,1]) self._g01 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, gt[:,:,0,1]) self._g10 = self._g01
def VectorFields(
Generate two VectorField
The vector fields represent the minor and major axes of the tensor field metric.
NOTE: Which of the vector fields represents the major axis can change in different parts of the parameter space, usually when crossing boundaries where the metric is isotropic. If discontinuities show up in the vector fields, it generally helps to increase the number of grid points of the tensor field. Note that the implemented separation and ordering of the two vector fields will in general break in general down in the presence of singularities.
def VectorFields(self): """Generate two `VectorField` instances. The vector fields represent the minor and major axes of the tensor field metric. Returns ------- * `vf1`[`VectorField` instance] * `vf2`[`VectorField` instance] NOTE: Which of the vector fields represents the major axis can change in different parts of the parameter space, usually when crossing boundaries where the metric is isotropic. If discontinuities show up in the vector fields, it generally helps to increase the number of grid points of the tensor field. Note that the implemented separation and ordering of the two vector fields will in general break in general down in the presence of singularities. """ g = self.g N, M, _, _ = np.shape(g) L1 = np.zeros((N,M)) L2 = np.zeros((N,M)) e1 = np.zeros((N,M,2)) e2 = np.zeros((N,M,2)) for i in range(N): for j in range(M): w, v = np.linalg.eig(g[i,j]) e1[i,j] = v[:,0] e2[i,j] = v[:,1] L1[i,j] = w[0] L2[i,j] = w[1] def swap(i,j): e_tmp = e1[i,j].copy() l_tmp = L1[i,j].copy() e1[i,j] = e2[i,j] L1[i,j] = L2[i,j] e2[i,j] = e_tmp L2[i,j] = l_tmp # Reorder vector field for j in range(0, M): if j > 0: if abs((e1[0,j]*e1[0,j-1]).sum())<abs((e2[0,j]*e1[0,j-1]).sum()): swap(0,j) if (e1[0,j]*e1[0,j-1]).sum() < 0: e1[0,j] *= -1 if (e2[0,j]*e2[0,j-1]).sum() < 0: e2[0,j] *= -1 for i in range(1, N): if abs((e1[i,j]*e1[i-1,j]).sum())<abs((e2[i,j]*e1[i-1,j]).sum()): swap(i,j) if (e1[i,j]*e1[i-1,j]).sum() < 0: e1[i,j] *= -1 if (e2[i,j]*e2[i-1,j]).sum() < 0: e2[i,j] *= -1 vf1 = VectorField(self.x, self.y, e1, L2**-0.5) vf2 = VectorField(self.x, self.y, e2, L1**-0.5) return vf1, vf2
def contour(
self, x, s0, Npoints=64, plot_geodesics=False, **kwargs)
Plot geodesic equal distance contours, aka confidence regions.
[2-tuple]: Central position.levels
[vector-like]: List of geodesic distances at which to generate contours.npoints
[integer]: Number of points along contour.plot_geodesics
[boolean]: Plot geodesics used to calculate contour.**kwargs
: Passed on topylab.plot
[2-D array]: List of contour lines.
def contour(self, x, s0, Npoints = 64, plot_geodesics = False, **kwargs): """Plot geodesic equal distance contours, aka confidence regions. Parameters ---------- * `x` [2-tuple]: Central position. * `levels` [vector-like]: List of geodesic distances at which to generate contours. * `npoints` [integer]: Number of points along contour. * `plot_geodesics` [boolean]: Plot geodesics used to calculate contour. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to `pylab.plot`. Returns ------- * `contour` [2-D array]: List of contour lines. """ t = np.linspace(0, s0, 30) contour = [] for phi in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, Npoints+1): g0 = self.__call__(x[0], x[1]) v = np.array([np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)]) norm = v.T.dot(g0).dot(v)**0.5 v /= norm s = odeint(self._func, [x[0], x[1], v[0], v[1]], t) contour.append(s[-1]) if plot_geodesics: plt.plot(s[:,0], s[:,1], 'b', lw=0.1) contour = np.array(contour) plt.plot(contour.T[0], contour.T[1], **kwargs) return contour
def fromfile(
cls, filename, logx=False, logy=False)
Generate TensorField
instance from .npz file.
[str]: Input filename.logx
[boolean]: IfTrue
, convert internally x -> log10(x), both for coordinates and metric.logy
[boolean]: IfTrue
, convert internally y -> log10(y), both for coordinates and metric.
@classmethod def fromfile(cls, filename, logx = False, logy = False): """Generate `TensorField` instance from .npz file. Parameters ---------- * `filename` [str]: Input filename. * `logx` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally x -> log10(x), both for coordinates and metric. * `logy` [boolean]: If `True`, convert internally y -> log10(y), both for coordinates and metric. Returns ------- * `TF` [`TensorField` instance] """ data = np.load(filename) return cls(data['x'], data['y'], data['g'], logx = logx, logy = logy)
def quiver(
Generate quiver plot for associated vector fields.
This is useful for quickly checking that the vector fields look reasonably, have no discontinuities etc.
def quiver(self): """Generate quiver plot for associated vector fields. This is useful for quickly checking that the vector fields look reasonably, have no discontinuities etc. """ vf1, vf2 = self.VectorFields() vf1._quiver(color='r') vf2._quiver(color='g')
def writeto(
self, filename)
Dump tensor field to .npz file.
[str]: Output filename.
def writeto(self, filename): """Dump tensor field to .npz file. Parameters ---------- * `filename` [str]: Output filename. """ np.savez(filename, x=self.x, y=self.y, g=self.g)
class VectorField
Container class for vector field and streamline visualization.
class VectorField(object): """Container class for vector field and streamline visualization. """ def __init__(self, x, y, v, d): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `x` [vector-like, shape=(N)]: Array with x-coordinates. * `y` [vector-like, shape=(M)]: Array with y-coordinates. * `v` [3-D array, shape=(M, N, 2)]: Vector field on grid, using Cartesian indexing. * `d` [matrix-like, shape=(M,N)]: Target Euclidean distance between streamlines (must correspond to unit geodesic distance). """ self.x, self.y, self.v, self._d = x, y, v, d self._extent = [x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()] vt = v.transpose((1,0,2)) # Cartesian --> matrix indexing dt = d.transpose((1,0)) # Cartesian --> matrix indexing self._v0 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, vt[:,:,0]) self._v1 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, vt[:,:,1]) self._d = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, dt) def __call__(self, x, t=0, normal = False): """Return interpolated vector at position x. Arguments --------- x : 1-D array (2) normal : boolean (optional) Normalize vector, default False. """ v = np.array([self._v0(x[0], x[1])[0,0], self._v1(x[0], x[1])[0,0]]) if normal: v /= np.linalg.norm(v) return v def _dist(self, x): """Return interpolated streamline distance at position x. Arguments --------- x : 1-D array (2) """ return self._d(x[0], x[1])[0,0] def _boundary_mask(self, seg, boundaries): """Returns mask for line segments outside of the boundaries. Arguments --------- seg : 2-D array (2, N) Line segment. Returns ------- mask : 1-D array (N) """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self._extent mask = (seg[:,0] < xmax) & (seg[:,0] > xmin)& (seg[:,1] < ymax)& (seg[:,1] > ymin) if boundaries is not None: mask *= boundaries(seg[:,0], seg[:,1]) return mask def _proximity_mask(self, seg, lines): """Returns mask for line segments that lie to close to other lines. Arguments --------- seg : 2-D array (2, N) Line segment. Returns ------- mask : 1-D array (N) """ mask = np.ones(len(seg), dtype='bool') for i, x in enumerate(seg): v = self.__call__(x, normal=True) vt = np.array([v[1], -v[0]]) for line in lines: dist_min = np.sqrt(((x-line)**2).sum(axis=1)).min() #dist_min = np.sqrt(((x-line)*v).sum(axis=1)**2*4+((x-line)*vt).sum(axis=1)**2).min() #dist_min_major = abs(((x-line)*self.major(x)).sum(axis=1)).min() #dist_min_minor = abs(((x-line)*self.minor(x)).sum(axis=1)).min() # FIXME: Hardcoded minimal distance if dist_min < self._dist(x)*0.75: mask[i:] = False return mask def _get_streamline(self, xinit, lines, boundaries, Nsteps = 30): """Generate next streamline. Arguments --------- xinit : 1-D array Start position. """ l = [] while True: # FIXME: what is optimal stepsize? t = np.linspace(0, 1, Nsteps) x0 = l[-1] if l != [] else xinit lnew = odeint(self.__call__, x0, t) maskb = self._boundary_mask(lnew, boundaries) maskp = self._proximity_mask(lnew, lines) if all(maskb) and all(maskp): l.extend(lnew) else: l.extend(lnew[maskb&maskp]) break l.reverse() while True: # FIXME: what is optimal stepsize? t = np.linspace(0, -1, Nsteps) x0 = l[-1] if l != [] else xinit lnew = odeint(self.__call__, x0, t) maskb = self._boundary_mask(lnew, boundaries) maskp = self._proximity_mask(lnew, lines) if all(maskb) and all(maskp): l.extend(lnew) else: l.extend(lnew[maskb&maskp]) break line = np.array(l) return line def _seed(self, lines, Nmax = 1000, boundaries = None): """Generate new seed position for next streamline. Arguments --------- Nmax : integer (optional) Maximum number of trials, default is 1000. """ for k in range(Nmax): j = rd.randint(0, len(lines)-1) i = rd.randint(0, len(lines[j])-1) x = lines[j][i] v = self.__call__(x) v_orth = np.array([v[1], -v[0]])/(v[0]**2+v[1]**2)**0.5 xseed = x + v_orth*self._dist(x)*(-1)**rd.randint(0,1) inbounds = self._boundary_mask(np.array([xseed]), boundaries)[0] notclose = self._proximity_mask(np.array([xseed]), lines)[0] #plt.plot([x[0],xseed[0]], [x[1],xseed[1]], marker='', ls='-', color='b') #plt.plot(xseed[0], xseed[1], marker='.', ls='', color='b') if inbounds & notclose: return xseed return None def streamlines(self, xinit = None, mask = None, Nmax = 30, Nsteps = 30, seed = None, **kwargs): """Plot streamlines. Parameters --------- * `xinit` [2-tuple]: Central position. If `None`, central position is set to mean of grid. The central position should be within the unmasked region. * `mask` [function]: Function of parameters (x,y), returning `False` in masked regions. * `Nmax` [integer]: Maximum number of streamlines, default 30. * `Nsteps` [integer]: Steps in `scipy.integrate.odeint`. * `seed` [integer]: Seed for random number generator. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to `pylab.plot`. Returns ------- * `lines` [list of 2-D array]: Generated streamlines. """ if xinit is None: xinit = [self.x.mean(), self.y.mean()] lines = [] xseed = xinit if seed is not None: rd.seed(seed) for i in range(Nmax): line = self._get_streamline(xseed, lines, mask, Nsteps = Nsteps) lines.append(line) xseed = self._seed(lines, boundaries = mask) if xseed is None: break for line in lines: plt.plot(line.T[0], line.T[1], **kwargs) return lines def _quiver(self, **kwargs): plt.quiver(self.x, self.y, self.v[:,:,0], self.v[:,:,1], **kwargs)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- VectorField
- __builtin__.object
def __init__(
self, x, y, v, d)
[vector-like, shape=(N)]: Array with x-coordinates.y
[vector-like, shape=(M)]: Array with y-coordinates.v
[3-D array, shape=(M, N, 2)]: Vector field on grid, using Cartesian indexing.d
[matrix-like, shape=(M,N)]: Target Euclidean distance between streamlines (must correspond to unit geodesic distance).
def __init__(self, x, y, v, d): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- * `x` [vector-like, shape=(N)]: Array with x-coordinates. * `y` [vector-like, shape=(M)]: Array with y-coordinates. * `v` [3-D array, shape=(M, N, 2)]: Vector field on grid, using Cartesian indexing. * `d` [matrix-like, shape=(M,N)]: Target Euclidean distance between streamlines (must correspond to unit geodesic distance). """ self.x, self.y, self.v, self._d = x, y, v, d self._extent = [x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()] vt = v.transpose((1,0,2)) # Cartesian --> matrix indexing dt = d.transpose((1,0)) # Cartesian --> matrix indexing self._v0 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, vt[:,:,0]) self._v1 = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, vt[:,:,1]) self._d = ip.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, dt)
def streamlines(
self, xinit=None, mask=None, Nmax=30, Nsteps=30, seed=None, **kwargs)
Plot streamlines.
[2-tuple]: Central position. IfNone
, central position is set to mean of grid. The central position should be within the unmasked region.mask
[function]: Function of parameters (x,y), returningFalse
in masked regions.Nmax
[integer]: Maximum number of streamlines, default 30.Nsteps
[integer]: Steps inscipy.integrate.odeint
[integer]: Seed for random number generator.**kwargs
: Passed on topylab.plot
[list of 2-D array]: Generated streamlines.
def streamlines(self, xinit = None, mask = None, Nmax = 30, Nsteps = 30, seed = None, **kwargs): """Plot streamlines. Parameters --------- * `xinit` [2-tuple]: Central position. If `None`, central position is set to mean of grid. The central position should be within the unmasked region. * `mask` [function]: Function of parameters (x,y), returning `False` in masked regions. * `Nmax` [integer]: Maximum number of streamlines, default 30. * `Nsteps` [integer]: Steps in `scipy.integrate.odeint`. * `seed` [integer]: Seed for random number generator. * `**kwargs`: Passed on to `pylab.plot`. Returns ------- * `lines` [list of 2-D array]: Generated streamlines. """ if xinit is None: xinit = [self.x.mean(), self.y.mean()] lines = [] xseed = xinit if seed is not None: rd.seed(seed) for i in range(Nmax): line = self._get_streamline(xseed, lines, mask, Nsteps = Nsteps) lines.append(line) xseed = self._seed(lines, boundaries = mask) if xseed is None: break for line in lines: plt.plot(line.T[0], line.T[1], **kwargs) return lines