
swordfish module

swordfish is a Python tool to study the information yield of counting experiments.


With swordfish you can quickly and accurately forecast experimental sensitivities without all the fuss with time-intensive Monte Carlos, mock data generation and likelihood maximization.

With swordfish you can

  • Calculate the expected upper limit or discovery reach of an instrument.
  • Derive expected confidence contours for parameter reconstruction.
  • Visualize confidence contours as well as the underlying information metric field.
  • Calculate the information flux, an effective signal-to-noise ratio that accounts for background systematics and component degeneracies.
  • Calculate the Euclideanized signal which approximately maps the signal to a new vector which can be used to calculate the Euclidean distance between points

A large range of experiments in particle physics and astronomy are statistically described by a Poisson point process. The swordfish module implements at its core a rather general version of a Poisson point process with background uncertainties described by a Gaussian random field, and provides easy access to its information geometrical properties. Based on this information, a number of common and less common tasks can be performed.

Get started

Most of the functionality of swordfish is demonstrated in two jupyter notebooks.

In addition we provide two physics examples from direct and indirect detection


A full documentation of swordfish can be found on For extensive details about Fisher forecasting with Poisson likelihoods, the effective counts method, the definition of information flux and the treatment of background systematics see and


swordfish has been tested with Python 2.7.13 and the packages

  • numpy 1.13.1
  • scipy 0.19.0
  • matplotlib 2.0.0

Let us know if you run into problems.

swordfish can be installed by invoking

git clone
cd swordfish
python install


If you use the package, please cite one or both of the papers and

"""`swordfish` is a Python tool to study the information yield of counting experiments.


With `swordfish` you can quickly and accurately forecast experimental
sensitivities without all the fuss with time-intensive Monte Carlos, mock data
generation and likelihood maximization.

With `swordfish` you can

- Calculate the expected upper limit or discovery reach of an instrument.
- Derive expected confidence contours for parameter reconstruction.
- Visualize confidence contours as well as the underlying information metric field.
- Calculate the *information flux*, an effective signal-to-noise ratio that
  accounts for background systematics and component degeneracies.
- Calculate the Euclideanized signal which approximately maps the signal to
 a new vector which can be used to calculate the Euclidean distance between points

A large range of experiments in particle physics and astronomy are
statistically described by a Poisson point process.  The `swordfish` module
implements at its core a rather general version of a Poisson point process with
background uncertainties described by a Gaussian random field, and provides
easy access to its information geometrical properties.  Based on this
information, a number of common and less common tasks can be performed.

Get started

Most of the functionality of `swordfish` is demonstrated in two jupyter

- [Equivalent counts method and Fisher Information Flux](
- [Confidence contours, streamline visualisation, and Euclideanized signal](

In addition we provide two physics examples from direct and indirect detection

- [CTA](
- [Xenon-1T](


A full documentation of `swordfish` can be found on
[](  For extensive details about
Fisher forecasting with Poisson likelihoods, the effective counts method, the
definition of information flux and the treatment of background systematics see
[]( and


`swordfish` has been tested with Python 2.7.13 and the packages

- `numpy 1.13.1`
- `scipy 0.19.0`
- `matplotlib 2.0.0`

Let us know if you run into problems.

`swordfish` can be installed by invoking

    git clone
    cd swordfish
    python install


If you use the package, please cite one or both of the papers

from swordfish.core import *
from swordfish.metricplot import *
from swordfish.Utils import *
__all__ = ["Swordfish", "Utils", "metricplot"]


class Swordfish

Signal .

class Swordfish(object):
    """Signal ."""
    def __init__(self, B, N = None, T = None, E = None, K = None):
        * `B` [list of equal-shaped arrays with length `n_comp`]:
          Background model
        * `N` [list of non-negative floats with length `n_comp`, or None]:
          Normalization of background components, if `None` assumed to be one.
        * `T` [list of non-negative floats with length `n_comp`, or None]:
          Uncertainty of background components.  In standard deviations.  If
          `None`, all components are assumed to be fixed.
        * `E` [array with the same shape as the components of `B`]:
          Exposure.  If `None`, this is set to one for all bins.
        * `K` [matrix-like]:
          Covariance matrix, meant to refer to the flattened version of the
          background components.  If `None`, it is set to zero.
        if not isinstance(B, list):
            B = [np.array(B, dtype='flota64'),]
            B = [np.array(b, dtype='float64') for b in B]
            if len(set([b.shape for b in B])) != 1:
                raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes in B.")

        # Save shape, and flatten arrays
        shape = B[0].shape
        B = [b.flatten() for b in B]
        nbins = len(B[0])

        if T is None:
            T = list(np.zeros(len(B), dtype='float64'))
        elif not isinstance(T, list):
            T = [float(T),]
            T = list(np.array(T, dtype='float64'))

        if len(T) != len(B):
            raise ValueError("T and B must have same length, or T must be None.")

        if K is not None:
            assert K.shape == (nbins, nbins)

        if E is None:
            E = np.ones(nbins)
            E = np.array(E, dtype='float64').flatten()

        if N is None:
            self._Btot = sum(B)
            self._Btot = sum([B[i]*N[i] for i in range(len(B))])
        self._B = B  # List of equal-sized arrays
        self._T = T  # List of standard deviations (0., finite or None)
        self._K = la.aslinearoperator(K) if K is not None else None
        self._E = E  # Exposure
        self._shape = shape

    def _ff_factory(self, Sfunc, theta0):
        """Generate Funkfish object.

        * `Sfunc` [function]:
          Signal components.
        * `theta0` [vector-like, shape=(n_comp)]:
            Model parameters used for calculation of Asimov data.
        Btot = self._Btot

        K = self._K
        KB = self._B2K(self._B, self._T)
        Ktot = K if KB is None else (KB if K is None else KB+K)
        SfuncB = lambda *args: Sfunc(*args) + Btot
        return Funkfish(SfuncB, theta0, E = self._E, K = Ktot)

    def _sf_factory(self, S, K_only = False, extraB = None, solver = 'direct'):
        """Generate LinModel object.

        * `S` [array or list of arrays]:
          Signal components.
        * `K_only' [boolean]:
          If `True`, dump all background components into `K`.
        if isinstance(S, list):
            S = [np.array(s, dtype='float64') for s in S]
            assert len(set([s.shape for s in S])) == 1.
            assert S[0].shape == self._shape
            S = [np.array(S, dtype='float64')]
        assert S[0].shape == self._shape
        S = [s.flatten() for s in S]

        Ssf = []  # List of "signal" components for LinModel
        Tsf = []  # Signal component constraints

        Bsf = copy.deepcopy(self._Btot)
        if extraB is not None:
            Bsf += extraB

        # Collect signal components 
        for s in S:
            Tsf.append(None)  # Signals are unconstrained

        # If K-matrix is set anyway, dump everything there for efficiency reasons.
        K = self._K
        if K is not None or K_only:
            KB = self._B2K(self._B, self._T)
            Ktot = K if KB is None else (KB if K is None else KB+K)
            for i, t in enumerate(self._T):
                if t > 0.:
            Ktot = K

        return LinModel(Ssf, Bsf, E = self._E, K = Ktot, T = Tsf, solver = solver), len(S)

    def _B2K(self, B, T):
        "Transform B and T into contributions to covariance matrix"
        K = None
        for i, t in enumerate(T):
            if t > 0.:
                n_bins = len(B[i])
                Kp = la.LinearOperator((n_bins, n_bins), 
                        matvec = lambda x, B = B[i].flatten(), T = T[i]:
                        B * (x.T*B).sum() * T**2)
                K = Kp if K is None else K + Kp
                # NOTE 1: x.T instead of x is required to make operator
                # work for input with shape (nbins, 1), which can happen
                # internally when transforming to dense matrices.
                # NOTE 2: Thanks to Pythons late binding, _B and _T have to
                # be communicated via arguments with default values.
        return K

    def fishermatrix(self, S, S0 = None):
        """Return Fisher Information Matrix for signal components.

        * `S` [list of equal-shaped arrays with length `n_comp`]:
          Signal components.
        * `S0` [array] (optional):
          Baseline signal that contributes to background noise.  Default is

        * `I` [matrix-like, shape=`(n_comp, n_comp)`]:
          Fisher information matrix.
        SF, n = self._sf_factory(S, extraB = S0)
        return SF.effectivefishermatrix(range(n), theta = None)

    def covariance(self, S, S0 = None):
        """Return covariance matrix for signal components.

        The covariance matrix is here approximated by the inverse of the Fisher
        information matrix.

        * `S` [list of equal-shaped arrays with length `n_comp`]:
          Signal components.
        * `S0` [array] (optional):
          Baseline signal that contributes to background noise.  Default is

        * `Sigma` [matrix-like, shape=`(n_comp, n_comp)`]:
          Covariance matrix.
        I = self.fishermatrix(S, S0 = S0)
        return np.linalg.linalg.inv(I)

    def infoflux(self, S, S0 = None):
        """Return Fisher information flux.

        * `S` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component.
        * `S0` [array] (optional):
          Baseline signal that contributes to background noise.  Default is

        * `F` [array like]:
          Fisher information flux.
        SF, n = self._sf_factory(S, extraB = S0)
        assert n == 1
        F = SF.effectiveinfoflux(0, theta = None)
        return np.reshape(F, self._shape)

    def variance(self, S, S0 = None):
        """Return Variance of single signal component.

        * `S` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component.
        * `S0` [array] (optional):
          Baseline signal that contributes to background noise.  Default is

        * `var` [float]:
          Variance of signal `S`.
        SF, n = self._sf_factory(S, extraB = S0)
        assert n == 1
        return SF.variance(0, theta = None)

    def totalcounts(self, S):  # 1-dim
        """Return total counts.

        * `S` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component.

        * `s` [float]:
          Total signal counts.
        * `b` [float]:
          Total background counts.
        SF, n = self._sf_factory(S)
        assert n == 1
        EC = EquivalentCounts(SF)
        return EC.totalcounts(0, 1.)

    def equivalentcounts(self, S):  # 1-dim
        """Return total counts.

        * `S` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component.

        * `s` [float]:
          Equivalent signal counts.
        * `b` [float]:
          Equivalent background counts.
        SF, n = self._sf_factory(S)
        assert n == 1
        EC = EquivalentCounts(SF)
        return EC.equivalentcounts(0, 1.)

    def upperlimit(self, S, alpha, force_gaussian = False, solver = 'direct'):  # 1-dim
        """Derive projected upper limit.

        * `S` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component.
        * `alpha` [float]:
          Significance level.
        * `force_gaussian` [boolean]:
          Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but use with care).

        * `theta` [float]:
          Normalization of `S` that corresponds to upper limit with
          significance level `alpha`.
        SF, n = self._sf_factory(S, solver = solver)
        assert n == 1
        EC = EquivalentCounts(SF)
        return EC.upperlimit(0, alpha, force_gaussian = force_gaussian)

    def _lnP(c, mu):
        # log-Poisson likelihood
        c = c+1e-10  # stablize result
        return (c-mu)+c*np.log(mu/c)

    def significance(self, S):
        """Calculate signal significance.

        * `S` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component.

        * `alpha` [float]:
          Significance of signal.
        s, b = self.equivalentcounts(S)
        Z = np.sqrt(2*(self._lnP(s+b, s+b) - self._lnP(s+b, b)))
        alpha = stats.norm.sf(Z)
        return alpha

    def discoveryreach(self, S, alpha, force_gaussian = False):  # 1-dim
        """Derive discovery reach.

        * `S` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component.
        * `alpha` [float]:
          Significance level.
        * `force_gaussian` [boolean]:
          Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but use with care).

        * `theta` [float]:
          Normalization of `S` that corresponds to discovery with significance
          level `alpha`.
        SF, n = self._sf_factory(S)
        assert n == 1
        EC = EquivalentCounts(SF)
        return EC.discoveryreach(0, alpha, force_gaussian = force_gaussian)

    def euclideanizedsignal(self, S):
        s, n = self._equivalentshapes(S)
        R = 0.1
        x = s/np.sqrt(n)*(1+s*R/(n+(R-1)*s))
        return x

    def _equivalentshapes(self, S):  # 1-dim
        """Derive equivalent signal and background shapes.

        * `S` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component.

        * `eqS` [signal array]:
          Equivalent signal.
        * `eqB` [background array]:
          Equivalent noise.
        SF, n  = self._sf_factory(S, K_only = True)
        assert n == 1
        ED = EuclideanizedSignal(SF)
        Kdiag = np.diag(
        N = (SF._noise+S)*SF._exposure + Kdiag*SF._exposure**2
        eS = ED.x(0, S)
        return eS, N

    def lnL(self, S0, S):
        """Profile log-likelihood.

        * `S0` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component (mock data).
        * `S` [signal arrays]:
          Single signal component (model prediction).

        * `lnL` [float]:
          Profile log-likelihood.
        SF, n  = self._sf_factory(S, K_only = True)  # Model point
        SF0, n0  = self._sf_factory(S0, K_only = True)  # Asimov data
        assert n == 1
        assert n0 == 1
        ncomp = SF._ncomp
        free_theta = [i != 0 for i in range(ncomp)]
        theta = [1. if i == 0 else 0. for i in range(ncomp)]
        theta0 = theta  # Does not matter, since we use mu_overwrite
        mu =  # Overwrites *model predictions*
        lnL = SF0.profile_lnL(theta0, theta, epsilon = 1e-3, free_theta = free_theta,
                mu_overwrite = mu)
        return lnL

    def getfield(self, Sfunc, x_values, y_values):
        """Generate and return TensorField object.

        * `Sfunc` [function]:
          Array-values function of two model parameters.
        * `x_values` [array]:
          List of x-values that define the parameter grid over which the
          TensorField is calculated.
        * `y_values` [array]:
          List of y-values that define the parameter grid over which the
          TensorField is calculated.

        * `TF` [TensorField]:
          Generated TensorField object.
        ix = 0
        iy = 1
        theta0 = [None, None]
        Sfunc_flat = lambda *args: Sfunc(*args).flatten()
        FF = self._ff_factory(Sfunc_flat, theta0)
        tf = FF.TensorField(ix, iy, x_values, y_values, theta0 = theta0)
        return tf

    def getMinuit(self, Sfunc, theta0, **kwargs):
        """Generate and return `iminuit.Minuit` instance.

        * `Sfunc` [function]:
          Array-values function of model parameters.
        * `theta0` [array]:
          Model parameters for mock data.
        * `**kwargs`:
          Remainings arguments are passed to `iminuit.Minuit`.

        * `M` [Minuit]:
          Generated Minuit instance.
        Sfunc_flat = lambda *args: Sfunc(*args).flatten()
        FF = self._ff_factory(Sfunc_flat, theta0)
        M = FF.iminuit(theta0, **kwargs)
        return M

    def Delta(self, S, S0, use_lnL = False):
        """Calculate distance between two points.

        Note: Maps `S` and `S0` on the Euclideanized analogs and returns
        ||x - x0||^2, or returns directly -2*ln(L_p(S0|S)/L_p(S0|S0)).

        * `S` [array]:
        * `S0` [array]:
          Mock data and null hypothesis.
        * `use_lnL` [boolean] (optional):
          Use exact log-likelihoods instead of Euclideanized signal method.
          Default is `False`.

        * `TS` [float]:
          Statistical distance between signals `S` and `S0`.
        if use_lnL:
            d2 = -2*(self.lnL(S0, S) - self.lnL(S0, S0))
            return d2
            #eS, N = self.equivalentshapes(S)
            #eS0, N0 = self.equivalentshapes(S0)
            #d2 = ((eS-eS0)**2/(N0+N)*2).sum()
            x = self.euclideanizedsignal(S)
            x0 = self.euclideanizedsignal(S0)
            return ((x-x0)**2).sum()

    def linearize(Sfunc, x, dx = None):
        S0 = Sfunc(*x)
        gradS = _func_to_templates(Sfunc, x, dx)
        return gradS, S0

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def linearize(

Sfunc, x, dx=None)

def linearize(Sfunc, x, dx = None):
    S0 = Sfunc(*x)
    gradS = _func_to_templates(Sfunc, x, dx)
    return gradS, S0


def __init__(

self, B, N=None, T=None, E=None, K=None)



  • B [list of equal-shaped arrays with length n_comp]: Background model
  • N [list of non-negative floats with length n_comp, or None]: Normalization of background components, if None assumed to be one.
  • T [list of non-negative floats with length n_comp, or None]: Uncertainty of background components. In standard deviations. If None, all components are assumed to be fixed.
  • E [array with the same shape as the components of B]: Exposure. If None, this is set to one for all bins.
  • K [matrix-like]: Covariance matrix, meant to refer to the flattened version of the background components. If None, it is set to zero.
def __init__(self, B, N = None, T = None, E = None, K = None):
    * `B` [list of equal-shaped arrays with length `n_comp`]:
      Background model
    * `N` [list of non-negative floats with length `n_comp`, or None]:
      Normalization of background components, if `None` assumed to be one.
    * `T` [list of non-negative floats with length `n_comp`, or None]:
      Uncertainty of background components.  In standard deviations.  If
      `None`, all components are assumed to be fixed.
    * `E` [array with the same shape as the components of `B`]:
      Exposure.  If `None`, this is set to one for all bins.
    * `K` [matrix-like]:
      Covariance matrix, meant to refer to the flattened version of the
      background components.  If `None`, it is set to zero.
    if not isinstance(B, list):
        B = [np.array(B, dtype='flota64'),]
        B = [np.array(b, dtype='float64') for b in B]
        if len(set([b.shape for b in B])) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes in B.")
    # Save shape, and flatten arrays
    shape = B[0].shape
    B = [b.flatten() for b in B]
    nbins = len(B[0])
    if T is None:
        T = list(np.zeros(len(B), dtype='float64'))
    elif not isinstance(T, list):
        T = [float(T),]
        T = list(np.array(T, dtype='float64'))
    if len(T) != len(B):
        raise ValueError("T and B must have same length, or T must be None.")
    if K is not None:
        assert K.shape == (nbins, nbins)
    if E is None:
        E = np.ones(nbins)
        E = np.array(E, dtype='float64').flatten()
    if N is None:
        self._Btot = sum(B)
        self._Btot = sum([B[i]*N[i] for i in range(len(B))])
    self._B = B  # List of equal-sized arrays
    self._T = T  # List of standard deviations (0., finite or None)
    self._K = la.aslinearoperator(K) if K is not None else None
    self._E = E  # Exposure
    self._shape = shape

def Delta(

self, S, S0, use_lnL=False)

Calculate distance between two points.

Note: Maps S and S0 on the Euclideanized analogs and returns ||x - x0||^2, or returns directly -2*ln(L_p(S0|S)/L_p(S0|S0)).


  • S [array]: Signal.
  • S0 [array]: Mock data and null hypothesis.
  • use_lnL [boolean] (optional): Use exact log-likelihoods instead of Euclideanized signal method. Default is False.


  • TS [float]: Statistical distance between signals S and S0.
def Delta(self, S, S0, use_lnL = False):
    """Calculate distance between two points.
    Note: Maps `S` and `S0` on the Euclideanized analogs and returns
    ||x - x0||^2, or returns directly -2*ln(L_p(S0|S)/L_p(S0|S0)).
    * `S` [array]:
    * `S0` [array]:
      Mock data and null hypothesis.
    * `use_lnL` [boolean] (optional):
      Use exact log-likelihoods instead of Euclideanized signal method.
      Default is `False`.
    * `TS` [float]:
      Statistical distance between signals `S` and `S0`.
    if use_lnL:
        d2 = -2*(self.lnL(S0, S) - self.lnL(S0, S0))
        return d2
        #eS, N = self.equivalentshapes(S)
        #eS0, N0 = self.equivalentshapes(S0)
        #d2 = ((eS-eS0)**2/(N0+N)*2).sum()
        x = self.euclideanizedsignal(S)
        x0 = self.euclideanizedsignal(S0)
        return ((x-x0)**2).sum()

def covariance(

self, S, S0=None)

Return covariance matrix for signal components.

The covariance matrix is here approximated by the inverse of the Fisher information matrix.


  • S [list of equal-shaped arrays with length n_comp]: Signal components.
  • S0 [array] (optional): Baseline signal that contributes to background noise. Default is None.


  • Sigma [matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_comp)]: Covariance matrix.
def covariance(self, S, S0 = None):
    """Return covariance matrix for signal components.
    The covariance matrix is here approximated by the inverse of the Fisher
    information matrix.
    * `S` [list of equal-shaped arrays with length `n_comp`]:
      Signal components.
    * `S0` [array] (optional):
      Baseline signal that contributes to background noise.  Default is
    * `Sigma` [matrix-like, shape=`(n_comp, n_comp)`]:
      Covariance matrix.
    I = self.fishermatrix(S, S0 = S0)
    return np.linalg.linalg.inv(I)

def discoveryreach(

self, S, alpha, force_gaussian=False)

Derive discovery reach.


  • S [signal arrays]: Single signal component.
  • alpha [float]: Significance level.
  • force_gaussian [boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but use with care).


  • theta [float]: Normalization of S that corresponds to discovery with significance level alpha.
def discoveryreach(self, S, alpha, force_gaussian = False):  # 1-dim
    """Derive discovery reach.
    * `S` [signal arrays]:
      Single signal component.
    * `alpha` [float]:
      Significance level.
    * `force_gaussian` [boolean]:
      Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but use with care).
    * `theta` [float]:
      Normalization of `S` that corresponds to discovery with significance
      level `alpha`.
    SF, n = self._sf_factory(S)
    assert n == 1
    EC = EquivalentCounts(SF)
    return EC.discoveryreach(0, alpha, force_gaussian = force_gaussian)

def equivalentcounts(

self, S)

Return total counts.


  • S [signal arrays]: Single signal component.


  • s [float]: Equivalent signal counts.
  • b [float]: Equivalent background counts.
def equivalentcounts(self, S):  # 1-dim
    """Return total counts.
    * `S` [signal arrays]:
      Single signal component.
    * `s` [float]:
      Equivalent signal counts.
    * `b` [float]:
      Equivalent background counts.
    SF, n = self._sf_factory(S)
    assert n == 1
    EC = EquivalentCounts(SF)
    return EC.equivalentcounts(0, 1.)

def euclideanizedsignal(

self, S)

def euclideanizedsignal(self, S):
    s, n = self._equivalentshapes(S)
    R = 0.1
    x = s/np.sqrt(n)*(1+s*R/(n+(R-1)*s))
    return x

def fishermatrix(

self, S, S0=None)

Return Fisher Information Matrix for signal components.


  • S [list of equal-shaped arrays with length n_comp]: Signal components.
  • S0 [array] (optional): Baseline signal that contributes to background noise. Default is None.


  • I [matrix-like, shape=(n_comp, n_comp)]: Fisher information matrix.
def fishermatrix(self, S, S0 = None):
    """Return Fisher Information Matrix for signal components.
    * `S` [list of equal-shaped arrays with length `n_comp`]:
      Signal components.
    * `S0` [array] (optional):
      Baseline signal that contributes to background noise.  Default is
    * `I` [matrix-like, shape=`(n_comp, n_comp)`]:
      Fisher information matrix.
    SF, n = self._sf_factory(S, extraB = S0)
    return SF.effectivefishermatrix(range(n), theta = None)

def getMinuit(

self, Sfunc, theta0, **kwargs)

Generate and return iminuit.Minuit instance.


  • Sfunc [function]: Array-values function of model parameters.
  • theta0 [array]: Model parameters for mock data.
  • **kwargs: Remainings arguments are passed to iminuit.Minuit.


  • M [Minuit]: Generated Minuit instance.
def getMinuit(self, Sfunc, theta0, **kwargs):
    """Generate and return `iminuit.Minuit` instance.
    * `Sfunc` [function]:
      Array-values function of model parameters.
    * `theta0` [array]:
      Model parameters for mock data.
    * `**kwargs`:
      Remainings arguments are passed to `iminuit.Minuit`.
    * `M` [Minuit]:
      Generated Minuit instance.
    Sfunc_flat = lambda *args: Sfunc(*args).flatten()
    FF = self._ff_factory(Sfunc_flat, theta0)
    M = FF.iminuit(theta0, **kwargs)
    return M

def getfield(

self, Sfunc, x_values, y_values)

Generate and return TensorField object.


  • Sfunc [function]: Array-values function of two model parameters.
  • x_values [array]: List of x-values that define the parameter grid over which the TensorField is calculated.
  • y_values [array]: List of y-values that define the parameter grid over which the TensorField is calculated.


  • TF [TensorField]: Generated TensorField object.
def getfield(self, Sfunc, x_values, y_values):
    """Generate and return TensorField object.
    * `Sfunc` [function]:
      Array-values function of two model parameters.
    * `x_values` [array]:
      List of x-values that define the parameter grid over which the
      TensorField is calculated.
    * `y_values` [array]:
      List of y-values that define the parameter grid over which the
      TensorField is calculated.
    * `TF` [TensorField]:
      Generated TensorField object.
    ix = 0
    iy = 1
    theta0 = [None, None]
    Sfunc_flat = lambda *args: Sfunc(*args).flatten()
    FF = self._ff_factory(Sfunc_flat, theta0)
    tf = FF.TensorField(ix, iy, x_values, y_values, theta0 = theta0)
    return tf

def infoflux(

self, S, S0=None)

Return Fisher information flux.


  • S [signal arrays]: Single signal component.
  • S0 [array] (optional): Baseline signal that contributes to background noise. Default is None.


  • F [array like]: Fisher information flux.
def infoflux(self, S, S0 = None):
    """Return Fisher information flux.
    * `S` [signal arrays]:
      Single signal component.
    * `S0` [array] (optional):
      Baseline signal that contributes to background noise.  Default is
    * `F` [array like]:
      Fisher information flux.
    SF, n = self._sf_factory(S, extraB = S0)
    assert n == 1
    F = SF.effectiveinfoflux(0, theta = None)
    return np.reshape(F, self._shape)

def lnL(

self, S0, S)

Profile log-likelihood.


  • S0 [signal arrays]: Single signal component (mock data).
  • S [signal arrays]: Single signal component (model prediction).


  • lnL [float]: Profile log-likelihood.
def lnL(self, S0, S):
    """Profile log-likelihood.
    * `S0` [signal arrays]:
      Single signal component (mock data).
    * `S` [signal arrays]:
      Single signal component (model prediction).
    * `lnL` [float]:
      Profile log-likelihood.
    SF, n  = self._sf_factory(S, K_only = True)  # Model point
    SF0, n0  = self._sf_factory(S0, K_only = True)  # Asimov data
    assert n == 1
    assert n0 == 1
    ncomp = SF._ncomp
    free_theta = [i != 0 for i in range(ncomp)]
    theta = [1. if i == 0 else 0. for i in range(ncomp)]
    theta0 = theta  # Does not matter, since we use mu_overwrite
    mu =  # Overwrites *model predictions*
    lnL = SF0.profile_lnL(theta0, theta, epsilon = 1e-3, free_theta = free_theta,
            mu_overwrite = mu)
    return lnL

def significance(

self, S)

Calculate signal significance.


  • S [signal arrays]: Single signal component.


  • alpha [float]: Significance of signal.
def significance(self, S):
    """Calculate signal significance.
    * `S` [signal arrays]:
      Single signal component.
    * `alpha` [float]:
      Significance of signal.
    s, b = self.equivalentcounts(S)
    Z = np.sqrt(2*(self._lnP(s+b, s+b) - self._lnP(s+b, b)))
    alpha = stats.norm.sf(Z)
    return alpha

def totalcounts(

self, S)

Return total counts.


  • S [signal arrays]: Single signal component.


  • s [float]: Total signal counts.
  • b [float]: Total background counts.
def totalcounts(self, S):  # 1-dim
    """Return total counts.
    * `S` [signal arrays]:
      Single signal component.
    * `s` [float]:
      Total signal counts.
    * `b` [float]:
      Total background counts.
    SF, n = self._sf_factory(S)
    assert n == 1
    EC = EquivalentCounts(SF)
    return EC.totalcounts(0, 1.)

def upperlimit(

self, S, alpha, force_gaussian=False, solver='direct')

Derive projected upper limit.


  • S [signal arrays]: Single signal component.
  • alpha [float]: Significance level.
  • force_gaussian [boolean]: Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but use with care).


  • theta [float]: Normalization of S that corresponds to upper limit with significance level alpha.
def upperlimit(self, S, alpha, force_gaussian = False, solver = 'direct'):  # 1-dim
    """Derive projected upper limit.
    * `S` [signal arrays]:
      Single signal component.
    * `alpha` [float]:
      Significance level.
    * `force_gaussian` [boolean]:
      Force calculation of Gaussian errors (faster, but use with care).
    * `theta` [float]:
      Normalization of `S` that corresponds to upper limit with
      significance level `alpha`.
    SF, n = self._sf_factory(S, solver = solver)
    assert n == 1
    EC = EquivalentCounts(SF)
    return EC.upperlimit(0, alpha, force_gaussian = force_gaussian)

def variance(

self, S, S0=None)

Return Variance of single signal component.


  • S [signal arrays]: Single signal component.
  • S0 [array] (optional): Baseline signal that contributes to background noise. Default is None.


  • var [float]: Variance of signal S.
def variance(self, S, S0 = None):
    """Return Variance of single signal component.
    * `S` [signal arrays]:
      Single signal component.
    * `S0` [array] (optional):
      Baseline signal that contributes to background noise.  Default is
    * `var` [float]:
      Variance of signal `S`.
    SF, n = self._sf_factory(S, extraB = S0)
    assert n == 1
    return SF.variance(0, theta = None)



Overview and motivation

The purpose of swordfish is to enable fast and informative forecasting for a broad class of statistical models relevant for praticle physics and astronomy, without requiring expensive Monte Carlos. The results are in most cases accurate, with a few i...


metricplot performs visualization of 2D metric tensors, using variable-density streamlines and equal geodesic distance contours.

The intended use is the visualization of information geometry as derived from an Funkfish instance.